| 2025-02-18 | CMA-CGM increases Far East / Mediterranean rates |
| 2025-02-18 | Altra infornata di nuovi ordini per navi portacontainer da Evergreen e Hapag Lloyd |
| 2025-02-18 | Cma Cgm sale a bordo della linea intra-Med di Arkas che scala Genova, Spezia e Salerno |
| 2025-02-18 | Lynkit and Xeneta Partner to Deliver Data-Driven Ocean and Air Freight Solutions for Businesses in India |
| 2025-02-18 | L’India vuole costituire una sua flotta container |
| 2025-02-18 | The shape of Asia-Europe shipping capacity as the new alliances bed in |
| 2025-02-18 | Sealead new Mediterranean to US service |
| 2025-02-18 | CMA-CGM revamps Bora Med service |
| 2025-02-18 | Presentato il progetto della prima nave portacontainer a propulsione nucleare |
| 2025-02-14 | Arkas line expands its service network to India |
| 2025-02-14 | I dati confermano tempi lunghi (d’attesa) per le grandi navi in porto a Genova |
| 2025-02-14 | Noli container scendono nella seconda settimana di febbraio 2025 |
| 2025-02-14 | Carriers need to cut more capacity for March GRIs to hold |
| 2025-02-13 | Evergreen and CMA CGM up next swelling record global boxship orderbook |
| 2025-02-13 | Houthis return to shipping war footing with Gaza ceasefire on thin ice |
| 2025-02-13 | Chaos at Chittagong as port workers' strike creates vessel and box backlogs |
| 2025-02-13 | MSC revises Mediterranean-US east coast transatlantic network |
| 2025-02-13 | Msc lancia un servizio container ‘direttissimo’ tra l’Italia e la costa est Usa |
| 2025-02-12 | Regional container trade imbalances increase 33% |
| 2025-02-11 | Primo scalo a Vado Gateway della linea container di Gemini con il Nord America |
| 2025-02-11 | Somali pirates head back to sea |
| 2025-02-11 | Blanked voyages fail to halt sliding spot rates, and March GRIs will be resisted |
| 2025-02-11 | Container lines still hesitant about returning to Red Sea |
| 2025-02-11 | Strike action at Rotterdam terminal disrupts operations |
| 2025-02-10 | More blanked sailings: 'Carriers will not sit on their hands while rates collapse' |
| 2025-02-10 | MSC unveils remote monitoring system for reefer containers |
| 2025-02-10 | Lynkit and Xeneta partner to deliver data-driven ocean and air freight solutions |
| 2025-02-10 | Peggiorata la puntualità delle navi portacontainer (53,8%) |
| 2025-02-10 | Panama cede a Trump sulle concessioni cinesi di Balboa e Cristobal |
| 2025-02-10 | Red Sea ransom: how emails power Houthis $2 billion piracy operation |
| 2025-02-07 | CMA-CGM revises Mediterranean services |
| 2025-02-07 | Cma Cgm aggiunge quattro porti in Italia alla linea con la Turchia |
| 2025-02-07 | US container imbalance worsens despite tariffs |
| 2025-02-07 | Ever Given: The grounding that changed the world’s view of shipping |
| 2025-02-07 | Panama lawsuit requests axing Hong Kong firms canal concession |
| 2025-02-07 | Houthi decisivi sui risultati di Maersk |
| 2025-02-07 | Tarros attiva treno intermodale tra La Spezia e Padova |
| 2025-02-07 | Tutti in rosso i noli container all’inizio di febbraio 2025 |
| 2025-02-07 | Panama ha cancellato l'accordo con la Cina sulla 'Via della Seta' |
| 2025-02-07 | Hapag-Lloyd increases rates from far east to Europe |
| 2025-02-04 | Cma Cgm aggiunge altri quattro scali in Italia alla linea TMX2 |
| 2025-02-04 | Tarros torna in Spagna con il servizio Gps |
| 2025-02-04 | La guerra dei dazi è iniziata fra Usa, Canada, Messico e Cina |
| 2025-02-04 | MSC launches iReefer |
| 2025-01-31 | CMA-CGM warns of storm disruptions in north european ports |
| 2025-01-31 | Una nuova linea ro-ro Italia – Turchia – Libia molla gli ormeggi da Venezia |
| 2025-01-31 | Varata in Turchia la prima nave ro-ro a vela Neoliner Origin |
| 2025-01-31 | Gennaio 2025 termina col calo dei noli container |
| 2025-01-31 | Global liner alliances retrench |
| 2025-01-30 | Incendio su portacontainer al largo dello Yemen |
| 2025-01-30 | FMC highlights Panama Canal’s importance to US economy |
| 2025-01-30 | Schedule reliability in 2024 stays within 50-55 per cent |
| 2025-01-30 | Shippers should 'think differently' about tariffs, say analysts |
| 2025-01-30 | Contratti indicizzati e riduzione dei minimi: i consigli di Xeneta per i nuovi tender di trasporto container |
| 2025-01-27 | Trump tariffs and geopolitical chaos – Xeneta Chief Analyst’s top tips on freight tender strategies (Part 1) |
| 2025-01-27 | Spot rates still tumbling, with worse to come if carriers return to Suez |
| 2025-01-27 | CMA-CGM applies congestion surcharge in Peru and Chile |
| 2025-01-27 | Noli container Shanghai – Genova in calo del 10% |
| 2025-01-27 | Trump tariffs and geopolitical chaos – Xeneta Chief Analyst’s top tips on freight tender strategies (Part 2) |
| 2025-01-24 | Trump’s Trade Policy Uncertainty Could Send Ocean Freight Rates Higher, Xeneta Warns |
| 2025-01-24 | Houthis release Galaxy Leader crew after 430 days in captivity |
| 2025-01-24 | Grimaldi investe 38 milioni in nuovi container |
| 2025-01-24 | Noli container in calo su tutte le rotte nella terza settimana del 2025 |
| 2025-01-20 | Unifeeder triples intra med market share |
| 2025-01-20 | In calo i noli container Shanghai – Genova (-2%) |
| 2025-01-20 | Contrazione generale dei noli container a metà gennaio 2025 |
| 2025-01-20 | Suez canal completes expansion to enhance traffic flow |
| 2025-01-20 | L’Italia scivola al 18° posto mondiale per capacità container della sua flotta |
| 2025-01-20 | Houthis maintain Israeli ban while allowing all other ships to pass |
| 2025-01-20 | XENETA: Return of container ships to Red Sea will bring chaos and collapsing freight rates – 5 key questions facing shippers |
| 2025-01-20 | CMA CGM set to be first liner to resume Suez transits? |
| 2025-01-20 | Houthis to cease attacks on non-Israeli shipping in Red Sea |
| 2025-01-20 | Container teu-mile growth could go into reverse if Red Sea transits resume |
| 2025-01-16 | Medkon ottimizza la linea container con Israele e ne prepara un’altra con i porti del Tirreno |
| 2025-01-16 | Nel 2024 diminuiti i casi di pirateria ma aumentati i sequestri di marittimi |
| 2025-01-16 | Tre scenari per il trasporto container nel 2025 |
| 2025-01-14 | Xeneta resta prudente sull’andamento dei container nel 2025 |
| 2025-01-14 | Three new services and a transpacific focus for Ocean Alliance in 2025 |
| 2025-01-14 | Annunciati dalla Ocean Alliance gli scali nei porti italiani |
| 2025-01-14 | L’Italia nel 2024 ha raggiunto i 12 milioni di TEUS aumentando di oltre 600mila unità |
| 2025-01-14 | Series of incidents prompt response in Malaysia and Singapore |
| 2025-01-14 | Weekly Market Review: Container Shipping Stocks |
| 2025-01-14 | Ocean Alliance rolls out new service network |
| 2025-01-14 | CMA CGM to revamp AMERIGO service |
| 2025-01-10 | Trump emphasizes potential use of military force, if necessary, to reassert control over Panama Canal |
| 2025-01-10 | ReCAAP ISC Annual Report: 107 incidents during 2024 |
| 2025-01-10 | Ocean container shipping rates may fall after deal reached to avoid port strikes on us east coast and gulf coast |
| 2025-01-10 | Yemen ports face new strikes by US and Israeli forces |
| 2025-01-09 | Container ship order book hits new record high of 8.3m teu |
| 2025-01-09 | US east coast strike averted |
| 2025-01-08 | Dark Fleet: la minaccia invisibile che sfida ambiente, commercio e diritto internazionale |
| 2025-01-08 | Cosco, Cimc e Cssc inserite nella lista Usa delle Chinese Military Companies |
| 2025-01-08 | ICIS: Asia-US container rates surge as port strike deadline looms |
| 2025-01-08 | Growth in global container volumes to slow in 2025 |
| 2025-01-08 | Shipping Rates Start 2025 With a Spike on Tariff, Strike Worries |
| 2025-01-07 | COSCO targeted by the Pentagon over alleged ties to the People’s Liberation Army |
| 2025-01-07 | In arrivo i primi surcharge in vista del possibile sciopero nei porti Usa |
| 2025-01-07 | Containers drop into sea after vessel tilts at Istanbul port |
| 2025-01-07 | Arkas Line extends routes to India |
| 2025-01-07 | Cape of Good Hope detours look set to continue until 'August, at least' |
| 2025-01-07 | CMA CGM applies PSS from Indian Sub, Middle East Gulf, Red Sea & Egypt to USEC and US Gulf |
| 2025-01-07 | CMA CGM announces PSS from Med to US East Coast and US Gulf |
| 2025-01-07 | Al via un nuovo servizio container nel Mediterraneo orientale con scali a Venezia e Ravenna |
| 2025-01-07 | Maersk and MSC fire first shots in new freight rate war on Asia-Europe trades |
| 2024-12-19 | Sea-Intelligence analyzes port-pair data in container alliances |
| 2024-12-19 | CMA CGM updates FAK rates from Indian Sub to North Europe and Med |
| 2024-12-19 | Near Red Sea, US forces strike Houthi base in Yemen |
| 2024-12-18 | Yang Ming announces new China-Thailand service |
| 2024-12-18 | CMA CGM to use electric barge for intra-Vietnam shipments |
| 2024-12-18 | HMM, ONE launch new service connecting India with North Europe |
| 2024-12-17 | Trump sostiene i portuali Usa nella battaglia contro l’automazione nei porti |
| 2024-12-17 | Be alert to quantitative signals from marketplace in 2025: Xeneta |
| 2024-12-17 | Xeneta: Emissions from container shipping grow in 2024 |
| 2024-12-17 | EU extends Somali naval operation through to 2027 |
| 2024-12-17 | HMM returns to transatlantic trades |
| 2024-12-17 | iXRT Ocean Market News by Xeneta |
| 2024-12-13 | Da Msc un altro megaordine da 2,35 miliardi $ per navi da 24.000 Teu |
| 2024-12-13 | CMA CGM announces peak season surcharges from China to West Africa |
| 2024-12-13 | Yang Ming vessel runs aground in Taiwan |
| 2024-12-13 | Frena la crescita dei noli container tra Asia ed Europa |
| 2024-12-11 | UNCTAD: Global trade to reach new high in 2024 |
| 2024-12-11 | Merchant shipping gives Syria a wide berth in the wake of Assad’s ousting |
| 2024-12-11 | How the Houthis fired liner earnings to extraordinary highs |
| 2024-12-11 | China deploys navy in drills around Taiwan |
| 2024-12-11 | Premier Alliance announces debut sailings |
| 2024-12-11 | Armed pirates board tanker off Indonesia |
| 2024-12-11 | Maersk vessel in convoy attacked by Houthis twice in 10 days |
| 2024-12-06 | Nuova fiammata per i noli container Cina – Italia (+22%) |
| 2024-12-06 | Noli container Shanghai – Genova risaliti di oltre 1.000 dollari nell’ultima settimana |
| 2024-12-06 | Esplosione sul cargo Isa Star nel Mar Rosso |
| 2024-12-05 | Ocean Freight in Focus: 5 Strategic Insights on Rates, Capacity, and Global Shocks |
| 2024-12-05 | January strike at US east and Gulf coast ports now inevitable, say forwarders |
| 2024-12-05 | Asia – Europe rates climbing on December GRIs |
| 2024-12-05 | Xeneta analysts see 2025 container shipping turmoil |
| 2024-12-05 | Shippers eye alternatives as Indian port workers prepare for 'indefinite' strike |
| 2024-12-05 | HMM giant boxship collides with oil tanker in Spain |
| 2024-12-05 | CMA CGM applies peak season surcharges from Europe to North America |
| 2024-12-05 | Maersk revises Far East – Middle East peak season surcharge |
| 2024-12-03 | The Red Sea crisis and its impact on containership deployment |
| 2024-12-03 | Container fire at PortMiami erupts in explosion, shaking nearby homes |
| 2024-12-03 | Asia-Europe container trade on downward trend |
| 2024-12-03 | Maersk confirms fleet renewal plans with orders for 20 ships |
| 2024-12-02 | Shippers face a perfect storm |
| 2024-12-02 | Houthis fire barrage at passing American convoy |
| 2024-11-29 | MSC unveils enhanced East/West service network |
| 2024-11-29 | COSCO introduces Far East to South America West Coast service |
| 2024-11-29 | CMA CGM applies surcharges from Indian Sub and Middle East |
| 2024-11-29 | Messina torna a servire il Marocco con Maghreb Container International |
| 2024-11-29 | Another tariff curveball from Trump – this is how shippers can prepare for a chaotic and unpredictable 2025 |
| 2024-11-28 | Trump plans tariffs on Canada, China and Mexico on Day 1 |
| 2024-11-28 | Gemini Cooperation opens booking in December |
| 2024-11-28 | Trump vows new tariffs on China, Mexico and Canada |
| 2024-11-25 | More blanked voyages expected as carrier efforts to drive up rates falter |
| 2024-11-25 | Cma Cgm si prepara a scalzare Maersk dal secondo posto mondiale |
| 2024-11-25 | Varata la più grande portacontainer dual fuel al mondo |
| 2024-11-25 | China to Mexico West Coast – a case for data-driven freight strategies |
| 2024-11-25 | Impennata dei noli aerei tra Europa e America a metà novembre 2024 |
| 2024-11-22 | Lieve rimbalzo dei noli container tra Cina ed Europa |
| 2024-11-22 | Un equilibrio più costoso per caricatori e spedizionieri dopo un anno di crisi in Mar Rosso |
| 2024-11-21 | Top 10 carriers divide over new fuels, orderbooks show |
| 2024-11-21 | Msc consolida la posizione al vertice delle portacontainer |
| 2024-11-21 | I containers tornano a riempirsi di utili record |
| 2024-11-19 | Dopo 40 anni Hapag Lloyd interrompe lo slot agreement con Grimaldi (Acl) |
| 2024-11-19 | Ports of Genoa – Working for You |
| 2024-11-19 | Shipping reflects on a year of Red Sea chaos and 1,000 days of war in Ukraine |
| 2024-11-19 | Back to work order sees Canadian ports reopen to a battle against backlogs |
| 2024-11-19 | MSC increases rates from Far East to Mediterranean and Black Sea |
| 2024-11-19 | CMA CGM announces Panama Canal surcharges in response to higher fees |
| 2024-11-19 | CMA CGM implements congestion surcharge in Canadian ports |
| 2024-11-18 | Brusca frenata dei noli container tra Cina ed Europa |
| 2024-11-18 | Trump’s tariff proposals set to impact shipping demand in 2025 |
| 2024-11-14 | COSCO, ONE e ZIM potenziano i collegamenti con l’Africa occidentale |
| 2024-11-14 | Cresce il peso della logistica sul Pil (8,9%) |
| 2024-11-13 | Houthi, nuovi attacchi Anti-Usa. L'Onu denuncia le estorsioni: "180 milioni di dollari al mese" |
| 2024-11-13 | Commercial Shipping: Crucial ?lement in Potential Conflict Between China and US |
| 2024-11-12 | Montreal port shuts down adding to Canadian supply chain woes |
| 2024-11-12 | High container rate volatility to enter 5th consecutive year measures to mitigate the uncertainty |
| 2024-11-12 | Hapag-Lloyd ordina 24 portacontainer da 9.200 e 16.800 teu |
| 2024-11-11 | Cma-cgm reports an increase in business volumes driven by sustained demand in maritime shipping amid disruption to major routes |
| 2024-11-11 | Exploit dei noli container Shanghai – Genova (+21%) |
| 2024-11-11 | ZIM brucia le tappe e rende smart la flotta container prima del previsto |
| 2024-11-11 | Fears of Trump presidency to disrupt containership freight rates |
| 2024-11-11 | Montreal port shuts down adding to Canadian supply chain woes |
| 2024-11-08 | Quattro scenari per il container sulla crisi del Mar Rosso |
| 2024-11-08 | Trump wins US Presidential Election – 10 key questions facing ocean container shipping |
| 2024-11-07 | Maersk reports major supply chain disruptions for European shippers |
| 2024-11-07 | CMA CGM to resume Suez transits on India-US east coast service |
| 2024-11-07 | XENETA: Trump presidency will reignite us china trade war and threaten a spike in ocean container shipping markets as businesses rush imports ahead of higher tariffs |
| 2024-11-07 | What Donald Trumps victory means for china |
| 2024-11-07 | Cosa significa l’elezione di Trump per lo shipping e perché genererà un’immediata corsa all’import |
| 2024-11-07 | “Gli Houthi incassano 2 miliardi $ all’anno dagli armatori per le navi che attraversano il Mar Rosso” |
| 2024-11-07 | Supply chain critiche per oltre il 75% dei clienti europei di Maersk |
| 2024-11-07 | IMO Piracy Report: Six ships attacked during September 2024 |
| 2024-11-05 | No end to chaos in sight for shippers as Canada's port rows escalate |
| 2024-11-05 | Port of Valencia slowly gets back to work after floods from rainstorms |
| 2024-11-05 | CMA CGM reports fraud attempts against its customers |
| 2024-11-05 | Xeneta Forecasts Another Tough Year for Container Shipping as Geopolitical Tensions Rise |
| 2024-11-05 | Ripples from standstill at strike-bound Canadian ports could spread inland |
| 2024-11-05 | Typhoon Kong-ray creates congestion at Shanghai, Ningbo and Kaohsiung |
| 2024-11-04 | MSC announces fresh rates from Asia to Med |
| 2024-11-04 | Hapag Lloyd increases FAK rates from Far East to Europe |
| 2024-11-04 | Do you know what the key maritime chokepoints are? |
| 2024-11-04 | 'Desperate' GRIs by carriers prop up Asia-Europe spot rates, for now |
| 2024-11-04 | Forwarders warn shippers to expect a second ILA-USMX work stoppage |
| 2024-11-04 | Disputes in South China Sea could disrupt trade lanes, lead to war, experts say |
| 2024-11-04 | CMA CGM increases FAK rates from Asia to Med & North Africa |
| 2024-11-04 | In rialzo i noli container Shanghai – Genova (+11%) |
| 2024-11-04 | Xeneta rassicura gli spedizionieri sull’aumento dei noli container |
| 2024-11-04 | Proseguono gli attacchi degli Houthi alle navi cargo |
| 2024-10-29 | Could this five-in-one collapsible container finally be the game-changer? |
| 2024-10-29 | Hapag-Lloyd applies new peak season surcharge from Latin America to Europe |
| 2024-10-29 | Noli container Shanghai – Genova ancora in lieve flessione (-4%) |
| 2024-10-29 | Il 2025 sarà un altro anno complesso per i container |
| 2024-10-29 | Noli container Cina-Italia ancora più che doppi rispetto a un anno fa (+145%) |
| 2024-10-29 | Hapag Lloyd aggiorna i servizi Tex e Al7 includendo scali a Livorno |
| 2024-10-29 | Houthis renew campaign against merchant shipping |
| 2024-10-25 | Med ports amid Red Sea crisis: The two sides of the same coin |
| 2024-10-25 | Prosegue il calo dei noli container nella terza settimana di ottobre 2024 |
| 2024-10-24 | Prezzi delle newbuilding navali sempre più alti |
| 2024-10-24 | Nuovo record storico di navi portacontainer ordinate nel 2024 |
| 2024-10-24 | La flotta italiana in caduta libera: -15,8% in portata lorda secondo Unctad |
| 2024-10-24 | Nel porto di Venezia torna il sereno fra lavoratori e port authority |
| 2024-10-24 | Le criticità del trasporto via mare impatteranno su inflazione e Pil globali |
| 2024-10-24 | CMA CGM applies new FAK rates from Asia to North Africa and Med |
| 2024-10-24 | Sensor to monitor vessel emissions in North Sea |
| 2024-10-24 | ZIM updates PSS from Far East to Med, Black Sea and North Europe |
| 2024-10-24 | 2025 will be yet another difficult year for container transportation: Xeneta |
| 2024-10-24 | Somali pirates head back to sea |
| 2024-10-24 | French firm debuts sailing vessel capable of carrying 200 teu |
| 2024-10-21 | Xeneta sees container volumes growth slowing slightly in 2025 |
| 2024-10-21 | Container Shipping Stock Weekly Highlights |
| 2024-10-21 | Maersk, Hapag bosses reinforce confidence in Gemini alliance service reliability targets |
| 2024-10-21 | Xeneta unveils new Market Rate Outlook product at Amsterdam Summit |
| 2024-10-21 | ONE launches new Asia-Med service |
| 2024-10-21 | More cargo chaos at Chittagong Port as transport operators strike |
| 2024-10-21 | Trump tariff threat and China downturn will make CNY 2025 'different' |
| 2024-10-21 | Peru's new Chancay Port set to open to box line services next month |
| 2024-10-21 | Houthis execute drone assault on Maersk-chartered vessel |
| 2024-10-21 | Premier Alliance discloses updates to its network |
| 2024-10-18 | Cargo stowage failures on the rise off South Africa |
| 2024-10-18 | Maersk announces fresh America peak season surcharges |
| 2024-10-18 | MSC updates Asia – Europe rates |
| 2024-10-18 | Xeneta Summit 2024 – Day One Recap |
| 2024-10-18 | Maersk commences Ukraine weekly feeder service |
| 2024-10-18 | Yang Ming announces two new services in Europe/Med region |
| 2024-10-18 | Sciopero a oltranza nel porto di Venezia |
| 2024-10-18 | American stealth bombers pound Houthi weapons caches |
| 2024-10-14 | Diversions around COGH caused global TEU-mile demand to increase by 17.2% – Xeneta |
| 2024-10-14 | Crisi nel Mar Rosso, nel 2025 la flotta mondiale crescerà del 4,5% |
| 2024-10-14 | “Grimaldi dal 2025 entrerà nel trasporto container e merci varie fra Cina e West Africa” |
| 2024-10-14 | “L’Ets sta creando una distorsione concorrenziale fra il trasporto via mare e quello terrestre” |
| 2024-10-14 | US Coast Guard reopens several ports following Hurricane Milton |
| 2024-10-14 | 2M Alliance announces blank sailings on Transpacific services |
| 2024-10-11 | ONE announces two new North Europe – Med services |
| 2024-10-11 | Sea-Intelligence expects 10-17% capacity decline due to USEC strike |
| 2024-10-11 | Shipping’s New Normal: How Red Sea Diversions are Reshaping Global Trade |
| 2024-10-11 | Spot rates ex-Asia still falling, despite USEC congestion, with more blanks |
| 2024-10-10 | Le linee container dell’alleanza Gemini in partenza con rotte per il Capo di Buona Speranza |
| 2024-10-10 | Fallout from hurricanes a greater concern than strikes, say forwarders |
| 2024-10-10 | Gemini warns of 'meltdown' when Suez reopens |
| 2024-10-10 | The cost of 'going green' could render deepsea shipping 'too expensive' |
| 2024-10-09 | CMA CGM introduces peak season surcharges from Europe to America |
| 2024-10-09 | Hurricane Milton may be too much for the freight market to handle |
| 2024-10-09 | Florida evacuates as cat-4 hurricane ‘Milton’ set to strike tonight |
| 2024-10-08 | Noli container Cina – Italia sotto i 4mila dollari (-9%) |
| 2024-10-08 | Strike swell hits transatlantic rates – transpac shippers hold their breath |
| 2024-10-08 | The U.S. ports strike is over, but how long will it take to clear the cargo backlog? |
| 2024-10-04 | Accordo sulle banchine dei porti Usa, il sindacato sospende lo sciopero |
| 2024-10-04 | Anche per Hapag Lloyd un ordine da record per nuove navi portacontainer |
| 2024-10-04 | Sono 38 le portacontainer in attesa davanti ai porti della costa est Usa |
| 2024-10-04 | Noli container Asia Europa sotto i 4.000 dollari |
| 2024-10-04 | USEC port strike is over; ILA, USMX reach tentative agreement |
| 2024-10-04 | Weekly Highlights: Stock Trends of Major Container Shipping Companies |
| 2024-10-04 | USEC port strike ends, but supply chains will take weeks to recover |
| 2024-10-04 | Hapag-Lloyd introduces low water surcharge from North Europe & Med to Canada |
| 2024-10-02 | Presidential election obscures port resolution on US east coast |
| 2024-10-02 | Scaremongering port workers’ union issues misleading claim of $30,000 ocean freight container shipping rates as strike action begins on US East and Gulf Coast |
| 2024-10-02 | Box lines declare force majeure as White House defends ILA |
| 2024-10-02 | Trucking capacity and storage costs under pressure as shippers re-route cargo |
| 2024-10-02 | East coast containership logjam builds as vessels steam in |
| 2024-10-02 | Logistical consequences of strikes in American ports: Expert commentary |
| 2024-10-02 | Red Sea crisis could lead to overcapacity in Egyptian ports |
| 2024-10-02 | Impact of Geopolitical Tensions in South China Sea on Major Container Lines and Regional Ports |
| 2024-10-01 | Port strike still on schedule, union says |
| 2024-10-01 | Scatta il maxi-sciopero nei porti sulla costa Est degli Stati Uniti |
| 2024-10-01 | Puntuali ad agosto il 52,8% delle linee marittime per il trasporto container |
| 2024-10-01 | Import-export con gli Stati Uniti verso la paralisi per lo sciopero dei porti sulla costa Est |
| 2024-10-01 | Strike commences across US eastern seaboard |
| 2024-10-01 | Houthis strike back following Israel’s port bombings over the weekend |
| 2024-10-01 | Atlantic and Gulf coast US ports close as ILA rejects last-minute offer |
| 2024-10-01 | Shippers scrambling for alternatives as box lines divert from closed ports |
| 2024-10-01 | MSC vessel to omit US east coast calls for Halifax on inducement |
| 2024-10-01 | È iniziato lo sciopero nei porti della East Coast e del Golfo USA |
| 2024-10-01 | USEC strike begins with predictions of chaos |
| 2024-09-30 | Maersk halts Haiti bookings |
| 2024-09-30 | USEC strike to paralyze global shipping industry: One-day strike would take five days to clear |
| 2024-09-30 | Freigt rates surge in feu and teu container market spreads key considerations for shippers |
| 2024-09-30 | American ports brace for shutdown |
| 2024-09-30 | China preps for 32,000 teu boxships |
| 2024-09-27 | THE Alliance plans to 'port-hop' if strike goes ahead, says Yang Ming |
| 2024-09-27 | Sea-Intelligence sees uncompetitive ETS cost in 2025 for Ocean Alliance |
| 2024-09-27 | Container shipping braces for rate collapse |
| 2024-09-27 | Ports preparing for USEC strike, carriers introducing surcharges |
| 2024-09-27 | When a port closes down it is not an immediate impact it is a ripple effect until things normalize |
| 2024-09-27 | Nuovo tonfo per i noli container Cina – Italia (-15%) |
| 2024-09-27 | Industry releases revised guidance for the Southern Red Sea and Gulf of Aden |
| 2024-09-26 | US east coast carriers and rail operators introduce pre-strike restrictions |
| 2024-09-26 | Tifoni, scioperi e festività: cresce il timore di congestioni portuali globali |
| 2024-09-25 | Port strikes in US will cause 'major supply disruption' into 2025 |
| 2024-09-23 | I noli container Shanghai – Genova scivolano sotto i 5mila dollari (-6%) |
| 2024-09-23 | Spot rate decline slows, but prices for some long-term ocean contracts soar |
| 2024-09-23 | Alliance networks taking shape |
| 2024-09-23 | 2025 shipping networks show competitive landscape |
| 2024-09-23 | Negotiators have one week to save US east coast from chaos |
| 2024-09-19 | European ocean carriers navigating through uncertain waters |
| 2024-09-19 | US East Coast strike would hit European and South American cargo |
| 2024-09-19 | CMA CGM announces port charges in US East Coast and US Gulf |
| 2024-09-18 | MSC set to more than double its share of slot-sharing agreements |
| 2024-09-18 | MSC increases rates from North Europe to North Med |
| 2024-09-18 | CMA CGM applies PSS from Indian Subcontinent, Middle East Gulf, Red Sea, Egypt to USEC and US Gulf |
| 2024-09-18 | Typhoon Bebinca shuts down port operations in Shanghai and Ningbo |
| 2024-09-16 | Altra pesante flessione dei noli container Cina – Italia (-10%) |
| 2024-09-16 | Red Sea port calls plunge by 85 per cent |
| 2024-09-16 | Red Sea and Panama Canal disruptions amount to $1.25 trillion economic loss |
| 2024-09-16 | ONE, HMM, Yang Ming form new shipping alliance |
| 2024-09-12 | New alliance formation intensifies battle between major lines |
| 2024-09-12 | CMA CGM alters EMED 2 service |
| 2024-09-12 | Hapag Lloyd coprirà quattro porti italiani a supporto di Gemini |
| 2024-09-10 | HMM follows MSC and CMA CGM, turning to pre-owned boxships |
| 2024-09-10 | ZIM and MSC announce new cooperation in Transpacific trade |
| 2024-09-10 | Top 10 Container Ports in Europe: Piraeus position at risk |
| 2024-09-10 | MSC reveals future standalone East/West service network |
| 2024-09-10 | Maersk deploys largest methanol-powered ship on Gothenburg-Asia route |
| 2024-09-10 | Msc svela il suo nuovo network di collegamenti ‘in solitaria’ |
| 2024-09-10 | Oltre alla nuova linea Far East – West Africa, Grimaldi debutta anche in Colombia |
| 2024-09-10 | Lucien Arkas investe alla grande in Cina per potenziare la flotta di portacontainer |
| 2024-09-09 | Maersk says impact from red sea situation continues to intensify |
| 2024-09-09 | Dramatic increases in FEU and TEU ocean container market spreads – key considerations for shippers |
| 2024-09-09 | Traffico marittimo in ripresa nel Mar Rosso |
| 2024-09-09 | Calano i noli container in uscita dall’India, tranne che per l’Europa |
| 2024-09-09 | MSC comes to the aid of ONE, HMM and Yang Ming |
| 2024-09-06 | Services set to shut down as 'super typhoon' heads for South China |
| 2024-09-06 | Super Typhoon Yagi forces suspension of container handling operations in Hong Kong |
| 2024-09-06 | Maersk announces blank sailings ahead of Golden Week |
| 2024-09-06 | Hapag-Lloyd implements updated rates from West Med to Latin America |
| 2024-09-06 | Nuovo tonfo dei noli container Shanghai – Genova (-12%) |
| 2024-09-06 | 27,500 teu: Chinese debut record-breaking boxship design at SMM |
| 2024-09-06 | Asia-Europe spot rate decline quickens – 'the market has turned' |
| 2024-09-05 | Container ships dominating newbuilding orders |
| 2024-09-05 | Ex-Asia ocean rates ease slightly to start the month |
| 2024-09-05 | MSC vessel loses 46 boxes overboard off South Africa, following two CMA CGM ship incidents |
| 2024-09-03 | Hapag-Lloyd announces new GRI in South America |
| 2024-09-03 | CMA CGM introduces port congestion surcharge in Algeria |
| 2024-09-03 | Do you know how ships are protected from lightning? |
| 2024-09-03 | Container shipping industry sees profit surge to $10 billion |
| 2024-09-03 | Nuovo attacco degli Houthi il 2 settembre 2024 |
| 2024-09-03 | Aumenta il traffico delle merci Asia-Europa sul Middle Corridor |
| 2024-09-03 | CMA CGM introduces peak season surcharges worldwide |
| 2024-09-03 | First cargo vessel with wind-assisted propulsion debuts at SMM |
| 2024-09-02 | Maersk ship collision injures two crew |
| 2024-09-02 | Global schedule reliability drops to 52.1% in July |
| 2024-09-02 | ONE introduces new services linking East Asia and Middle East |
| 2024-09-02 | Russian ships seen obscuring names and IMO numbers while transiting the Bosporus |
| 2024-09-02 | MSC Marie sets a new record as Panama Canal gets back in business |
| 2024-08-30 | IFC: 1095 incidents recorded in the first half of 2024 |
| 2024-08-30 | Si allunga l’onda della discesa dei noli container |
| 2024-08-30 | Via libera degli Houthi al recupero della petroliera Sounion |
| 2024-08-30 | Decarbonising shipping could double cost of transporting goods by containers: DNV |
| 2024-08-30 | Satellite images show worrying 4 km trail from burning Sounion (wach the video!) |
| 2024-08-28 | Nuova linea ro-ro fra Italia e Mar Rosso in partenza da Livorno Terminal Marittimo |
| 2024-08-28 | L’orderbook di portacontainer ha superato i 10 milioni di TEUs |
| 2024-08-28 | Are container freight rates on a year long slide? |
| 2024-08-27 | Rischia di affondare la petroliera Sounion colpita dagli Houthi |
| 2024-08-26 | Escalating military tensions in Libya |
| 2024-08-26 | OOCL unveils its last 24,188 TEU mega vessel |
| 2024-08-25 | CMA CGM introduces PSS from the Med to North America |
| 2024-08-25 | Do you know how many Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas exist? |
| 2024-08-25 | China may have found a new way to skirt US import tariffs: Go through Mexico instead |
| 2024-08-25 | Riprendono gli attacchi nel Mar Rosso: colpita e incendiata una petroliera |
| 2024-08-25 | Msc ordina diciotto portacontainer alimentate con Gnl |
| 2024-08-25 | Abandoned suezmax off Yemen risks becoming fifth-largest tanker spill in history |
| 2024-08-25 | Asia-Europe spot rates soften, while transpac prices harden as dock strike threatens |
| 2024-08-20 | Xeneta: Explosion at Ningbo-Zhoushan port raises serious safety concerns in ocean container shipping |
| 2024-08-20 | Yang Ming vessel explosion reportedly linked to HMM-booked container |
| 2024-08-20 | Maersk announces changes in Far East Asia – Middle East services |
| 2024-08-20 | Mese da record per il container dalla Cina, ma il picco sembra raggiunto |
| 2024-08-20 | Houthis pursue ship across the Red Sea |
| 2024-08-20 | More challenges for container shipping may be lurking as contract talks loom |
| 2024-08-20 | MSC vessel suffers blast in Colombo port |
| 2024-08-20 | Two ships report blasts in the red sea off yemen british maritime agencies say |
| 2024-08-20 | Ocean turmoil persists. Here’s what shippers need to know |
| 2024-08-20 | Another CMA CGM ship loses containers off South Africa |
| 2024-08-20 | Scendono ancora i noli container Shanghai – Genova (-2%) |
| 2024-08-20 | Ocean freight rates fall for third week – but USEC port strike a major threat |
| 2024-08-20 | Maersk studia una portacontainer a propulsione nucleare |
| 2024-08-06 | Arctic Northern Sea Route a new way to avoid the Red Sea? |
| 2024-08-06 | MSC implements peak season surcharges from North Europe to Americas |
| 2024-08-06 | Houthis assault another CMA CGM-operated ship |
| 2024-08-06 | Hapag-Lloyd increases rates from India and Pakistan to Med and North Africa |
| 2024-08-06 | La volatilità dei noli container si trasmette ai contratti di lungo periodo (+2,5%) |
| 2024-08-06 | Global freight & logistics market forecast to reach $18.69 bn by 2026 |
| 2024-08-06 | CMA CGM revises Med-US rates |
| 2024-08-06 | CMA CGM updates peak season surcharge from Spain Med ports to Latin America |
| 2024-08-05 | Spot rate volatility spreads amid disruption, bumping up long-term prices |
| 2024-08-05 | XSI® update: Long term rates on major fronthauls show signs of life, just as spot rates start to soften |
| 2024-08-05 | Houthis restart attacks in the Gulf of Aden |
| 2024-08-05 | Dramatic rise in ocean freight container shipping spot rates: Xeneta |
| 2024-08-02 | Siamo al punto di svolta per i noli container? |
| 2024-08-01 | Pressure on global supply chains eases |
| 2024-08-01 | Hapag-Lloyd tops schedule reliability rankings, MSC suffers largest decline |
| 2024-08-01 | WSC: 221 containers lost at sea in 2023 |
| 2024-08-01 | Xeneta: Short term rates on Far East to US West Coast route decrease by 12% since July |
| 2024-07-31 | Hapag-Lloyd increases rates from India and Pakistan to Med and North Africa |
| 2024-07-31 | CMA CGM implements new peak season surcharges in Africa |
| 2024-07-31 | Messina ha preso in consegna la portacontainer Jolly Bianco da 6.300 Teu del 2006 |
| 2024-07-31 | Shippers 'at a loss' as Red Sea ripples spread across container trades |
| 2024-07-31 | Carriers limit box repositioning costs on backhaul Europe-Asia trade: Xeneta |
| 2024-07-29 | Drewry World Container Index eases 2% after continuous 18-week rise |
| 2024-07-26 | Narrowing market spread indicates easing of ocean container shipping volatility |
| 2024-07-26 | Container spot rates have peaked as all major trades see prices fall |
| 2024-07-26 | Bangladesh looks at demurrage waiver as containers pile up in Chittagong |
| 2024-07-25 | Shifts in Container Rankings: ZIM surpasses Yang Ming, CMA CGM set to overtake Maersk |
| 2024-07-25 | Container ship fleet sees fastest growth in 15 years |
| 2024-07-25 | Hapag Lloyd introduces new PSS from South Europe to Arabian Gulf |
| 2024-07-25 | Ocean rates dip on capacity increase and early peak |
| 2024-07-25 | Hapag-Lloyd applies US$1,000 GRI from Indian Subcontinent and Middle East to North America |
| 2024-07-25 | 18.3% rise in TEU miles makes it key measurement of demand: Xeneta |
| 2024-07-25 | Capacity across big three shipbuilding nations leaps 20% in a year |
| 2024-07-25 | Maersk Frankfurt owner declares General Average, as fire-fighting continues |
| 2024-07-24 | Houthi threat to red sea shipping is growing says un envoy to yemen |
| 2024-07-24 | Ocean freight market spot rates increase |
| 2024-07-24 | Bangladesh 'jam-packed' with cargo as curfew and internet restrictions continue |
| 2024-07-24 | Last chance' for US importers to stock up before possible east coast port strike |
| 2024-07-24 | Maersk Frankfurt heads for open water as container fire subsides |
| 2024-07-23 | Ships slowing down as regulations bite |
| 2024-07-23 | Xeneta sees first crack in container carrier spot rate consensus |
| 2024-07-23 | Cargo ships fight against giant waves in the ocean (video) |
| 2024-07-22 | Shipping companies impacted around the world by Microsoft outage |
| 2024-07-22 | Asiatic Lloyd boxship struck by the Houthis |
| 2024-07-22 | China and Russia form Arctic express route |
| 2024-07-22 | XENETA: How and why does an ocean container shipping market peak? |
| 2024-07-22 | Kaohsiung the latest victim of Asia's container congestion contagion |
| 2024-07-22 | Houthis fire projectiles at CMA CGM-operated ship |
| 2024-07-22 | Last week’s global IT outage will pressurise already-strained supply chains, says Xeneta |
| 2024-07-22 | Da gennaio a maggio il Canale di Suez ha visto crollare del 47% i transiti navali |
| 2024-07-22 | Incendio sulla portacontainer Maersk Frankfurt a largo dell’India |
| 2024-07-22 | More danger to box ships as Houthis expand Red Sea attack arena |
| 2024-07-22 | SeaLead-operated boxship dodges Houthi assault |
| 2024-07-22 | Seafarer dies in blaze on Maersk-chartered ship |
| 2024-07-22 | India-Europe FAK rates heading to new highs as shippers scramble for space |
| 2024-07-18 | Proseguono gli attacchi alle navi nel Mar Rosso |
| 2024-07-18 | Houthis issue chilling video of latest ship strike |
| 2024-07-18 | Prestige Falcon Houthi attack could be deadliest so far, with 16 crew missing |
| 2024-07-18 | MSC's standalone Asia-North Europe services capture 9% market share |
| 2024-07-18 | CMA CGM increases rates from North Europe to US |
| 2024-07-18 | CMA CGM applies updated PSS from Spain to America |
| 2024-07-18 | Shifting tides global piracy trends and emerging threats in 2024 |
| 2024-07-18 | Maersk says red sea shipping disruption having global effects |
| 2024-07-18 | Asia freight rates stay elevated on heavy congestion at key ports |
| 2024-07-18 | Lines pour capacity into mainline container trades to meet demand |
| 2024-07-16 | Hapag-Lloyd implements new peak season surcharges worldwide |
| 2024-07-16 | New container volume high provokes major concerns over peak season |
| 2024-07-16 | CMA CGM reportedly behind order for 12 new 15,500 teu box ships |
| 2024-07-16 | Xeneta Sees Ocean Container Spot Rates Peaking |
| 2024-07-16 | Xeneta says frontloading, macroeconomics to impact shipping in H22024 |
| 2024-07-16 | Houthi attacks target MSC boxships and tankers |
| 2024-07-16 | Spiralling ocean container shipping market set to peak |
| 2024-07-12 | Xeneta: Perfect Storm for Container Shipping |
| 2024-07-12 | Yemen houthi rebels fired an iranian missile at norwegian flagged ship debris analyzed by us shows |
| 2024-07-12 | Shipping warning as centuries old sea ice released from the arctic |
| 2024-07-12 | Inizio luglio stabile per noli container tra Asia ed Europa |
| 2024-07-12 | Understanding the impact of record-breaking global demand in ocean container shipping |
| 2024-07-11 | Maersk ship unscathed after Houthi attack |
| 2024-07-11 | Record breaking demand for ocean container shipping adds to perfect storm in market |
| 2024-07-11 | S’impenna la domanda di trasporto in mare di container |
| 2024-07-11 | Container Shipping Demand Soars, System Chaos Reigns |
| 2024-07-11 | Extreme weather halts container traffic at Cape of Good Hope |
| 2024-07-11 | More boxships sold as Red Sea crisis continues |
| 2024-07-11 | CMA CGM ship loses 44 containers off South Africa |
| 2024-07-10 | Per le navi in transito per il Capo di Buona Speranza possibili ritardi anche dal maltempo |
| 2024-07-10 | Containerised Freight Rates Up 300% Year on Year |
| 2024-07-10 | Russia Begins New Express Logistics Services to China via Northern Route |
| 2024-07-10 | Houthi campaign returns in earnest |
| 2024-07-10 | A rush to get cargo on a slow boat from China in time for Christmas shopping |
| 2024-07-09 | CMA CGM announces peak season surcharges worldwide |
| 2024-07-09 | CMA CGM increases FAK rates from Djibouti |
| 2024-07-09 | WSC: 221 containers lost at sea in 2023 |
| 2024-07-09 | Container shipping will be hit hardest by upcoming FuelEU Maritime regulation |
| 2024-07-09 | Concern over rates peak and Hamas ceasefire 'spooks' container futures |
| 2024-07-09 | Sea-Intelligence sees growth in non-alliance services |
| 2024-07-09 | Hapag-Lloyd increases rates from Latin America East Coast to North & Central America and Caribbean |
| 2024-07-08 | Maersk announces updates on peak season surcharges worldwide |
| 2024-07-08 | Nuclear propulsion could transform maritime with more reliable emissions free and longer lived ships |
| 2024-07-08 | I noli container da Cina a Nord Europa (8.056 $) superano quelli per il Med (7.573 $) |
| 2024-07-08 | Global air cargo volumes rise in June as market indicates a ‘hot Q4’ |
| 2024-07-08 | Shipping’s winners and losers from an end to the Red Sea shipping crisis |
| 2024-07-08 | Shipping delays surge at Singapore Port |
| 2024-07-05 | Nuovi aumenti per i noli container Cina – Italia (+7%) |
| 2024-07-05 | Noli container tra Cina ed Europa verso gli 8.000 dollari |
| 2024-07-05 | Box rates now four times higher than pre-pandemic |
| 2024-07-05 | Spot rate surge to continue past Golden Week, with surcharges causing more pain |
| 2024-07-05 | Shippers facing peak season surcharges as air cargo heads into a 'hot Q4' |
| 2024-07-04 | He who pays the piper no longer calling the tune in container shipping |
| 2024-07-04 | MSC to equal Maersk and Hapag-Lloyd’s Gemini fleet |
| 2024-07-04 | More rate increases expected soon, though signs congestion is easing |
| 2024-07-04 | Houthi failures lead to VHF harassment |
| 2024-07-04 | “Noli container oltre i 10 mila dollari per due mesi, poi il calo” |
| 2024-07-04 | Managing freight spend the main concern as Red Sea crisis drags on |
| 2024-07-04 | Un'altra nave cinese carica di armi per Haftar sequestrata in Italia: «La segnalazione dagli Usa». Ecco cosa sta succedendo |
| 2024-07-02 | Hapag-Lloyd increases rates worldwide |
| 2024-07-02 | CMA CGM announces PSS updates |
| 2024-07-02 | CMA CGM updates rates from Middle East Gulf to North Europe, Med and North Africa |
| 2024-07-02 | Puntualità portacontainer ai massimi del 2024 (55,8%) a maggio |
| 2024-07-02 | CMA CGM applies new Indian Subcontinent FAK rates |
| 2024-07-01 | BIMCO: Container market overview and outlook |
| 2024-07-01 | Do you know what the Northern Sea Route is? |
| 2024-07-01 | Newbuild prices set to eclipse the highs recorded in 2008 |
| 2024-07-01 | Houthis up their kamikaze drone boat campaign |
| 2024-07-01 | ZIM unveils China – US West Coast service |
| 2024-06-28 | I noli delle portacontainer sfondano il muro dei 150mila dollari/giorno |
| 2024-06-28 | Rallenta la corsa dei noli container nella seconda metà di giugno 2024 |
| 2024-06-28 | Return to double-digit spot rate gains looms with new FAK hikes and surcharges |
| 2024-06-27 | Aumentano dell’80% le tasse portuali ed erariali a Trieste |
| 2024-06-27 | Assagenti ammonisce sui pericoli per le strozzature marittime |
| 2024-06-27 | CMA CGM applies overweight surcharge from Middle East Gulf to Europe |
| 2024-06-27 | COSCO announces new service linking Mexico with Far East |
| 2024-06-27 | Singapore port congestion shows global ripple impact of Red Sea attacks |
| 2024-06-27 | Houthis claim to have developed long-range hypersonic missile |
| 2024-06-27 | Houthi fires new “long-range” missile at another MSC boxship |
| 2024-06-25 | Fending off Houthi attacks on shipping requires double the fleet, EU force says |
| 2024-06-24 | Carriers’ low rates fail to gain shippers’ loyalty |
| 2024-06-24 | CMA CGM launches new Türkiye-Egypt-Lebanon service |
| 2024-06-24 | Maersk ‘paga’ la minor aggressività con i caricatori sui livelli dei noli |
| 2024-06-24 | Houthi strikes continue to terrorise merchant shipping |
| 2024-06-24 | Red Sea crisis shifts call patterns at transshipment hubs |
| 2024-06-24 | Chaos now rules the container shipping market, says Yang Ming CFO |
| 2024-06-24 | More ships and more containers needed for 'feverish' box shipping sector |
| 2024-06-24 | Bunker indices continue upward trajectory |
| 2024-06-21 | MSC strengthens Asia-Mexico service network |
| 2024-06-21 | CMA CGM announces PSS from Med to US, Mexico, Canada East Coast & US Gulf |
| 2024-06-21 | Rates still climbing, but could early peak season start mean early end too? |
| 2024-06-21 | Noli container Cina – Italia sopra i 7.000 dollari (+2%) |
| 2024-06-21 | Balzo dell’11% dei noli container tra Shanghai e Rotterdam |
| 2024-06-20 | Q2 2024 Xeneta Ocean Deep Dive Report |
| 2024-06-20 | New Houthi tactics put seafarers on edge |
| 2024-06-20 | Index-linked contracts – lots of positives, one potential flaw |
| 2024-06-19 | Un secondo cargo colpito dagli Houthi è stato abbandonato |
| 2024-06-19 | La flotta mondiale di portacontainer per la prima volta sopra i 30 milioni di Teu |
| 2024-06-19 | Msc razionalizza e accorpa due linee container fra Italia e Canada |
| 2024-06-19 | Signs that container rates are slowing |
| 2024-06-19 | Maersk announces fresh PSS implementation worldwide |
| 2024-06-18 | At least 65 countries' now affected as Houthi Red Sea attacks continue |
| 2024-06-18 | Hapag-Lloyd announces updates on India Ocean Service |
| 2024-06-18 | Red Sea diversions and slower ports cause bigger-than-expected issues – will they last? |
| 2024-06-18 | Dopo Ravenna, Medkon Lines approda anche a Venezia |
| 2024-06-18 | I noli container tra Asia e Mediterraneo superano i 7.000 dollari |
| 2024-06-17 | Spot rate rises slow, but Asia-Med rates look set to hit $20k, say analysts |
| 2024-06-17 | Spot rate growth slows but ocean container shipping market will remain extremely challenging |
| 2024-06-17 | Difference between Storage and Demurrage |
| 2024-06-17 | La crisi del Mar Rosso continua a spingere il cargo aereo |
| 2024-06-14 | Which weight should be declared in a container bill of lading..?? |
| 2024-06-14 | Gaza negotiations has implications for freight rates |
| 2024-06-13 | Port Congestion, Far East |
| 2024-06-13 | Noleggiata una nave portacontaner a oltre 100 mila dollari giornalieri |
| 2024-06-13 | CMA CGM rafforza il trade Asia-Europa con French Peak |
| 2024-06-13 | Gravi danni a un cargo greco da un drone marino degli Houthi |
| 2024-06-13 | Shipping container prices soar by 26% in Singapore, leasing rates double |
| 2024-06-13 | Record low in containers lost at sea |
| 2024-06-13 | Anyone got a ship for an east-west service? Carriers scramble for tonnage |
| 2024-06-13 | Asia-Europe spot rates could surpass US$20,000 per FFE |
| 2024-06-12 | Another MSC ship hit by Houthi missile |
| 2024-06-12 | CMA CGM announces FAK rates from North Europe to Northwest India |
| 2024-06-12 | MSC commences new Asia services |
| 2024-06-12 | L’autotrasporto conferma sovrapprezzo container a Genova |
| 2024-06-12 | Container trades back in 'pandemic-level territory' – with rates still rising |
| 2024-06-11 | Houthis alleged hits on three ships |
| 2024-06-11 | Incubo noli container spot da 20mila dollari a Feu fra Asia e Europa |
| 2024-06-11 | Ad aprile impennata di transhipment di container a Genova e Savona |
| 2024-06-11 | Crisi di Suez: il costo dei noli verso il Mediterraneo aumenta del +44% |
| 2024-06-11 | Nuovi servizi nel Mar Rosso per Arkas Line |
| 2024-06-11 | French ports face a month of chaos and disruption as workers strike |
| 2024-06-10 | Container Market Goes on a Run: Volatility Expected to Persist Moving Forward |
| 2024-06-10 | Drewry; World Container Index Up 12% Last Week, 181% Versus 2023 |
| 2024-06-07 | Schizzano ancora verso l’alto i noli container Cina – Italia (+17%) |
| 2024-06-07 | Singapore reacts to Red Sea-driven congestion |
| 2024-06-07 | Spot rates ex-China set to hit five figures – high street prices will rise, warning |
| 2024-06-07 | Chaos in ocean freight container shipping – but experiences may vary… |
| 2024-06-06 | Trasporto container: caricatori favoriti rispetto agli spedizionieri in questa fase |
| 2024-06-06 | Longer maritime routes mean more fuel consumed in shipping following Red Sea attacks |
| 2024-06-06 | Two-tier market' as ocean rates for shippers and forwarders diverge |
| 2024-06-05 | Maersk corre ai ripari contro le congestioni annunciando almeno due blank sailing |
| 2024-06-05 | Nuova linea container intra-Med avviata da Tarros e Cosco |
| 2024-06-05 | CMA CGM updates freight rates worldwide |
| 2024-06-05 | ZIM container denied entry in Malaysia |
| 2024-06-05 | European container lines introduce Asia surcharges |
| 2024-06-05 | Two-thirds of European green shipping fuel projects at risk: T&E study |
| 2024-06-04 | Maersk's new surcharge strategy raises eyebrows |
| 2024-06-04 | Panama Canal raises vessel draft to 45 feet |
| 2024-06-04 | Nei container cresce la congestione, aumentano i noli e gli armatori ordinano navi |
| 2024-06-04 | Gli spedizionieri dicono no alla congestion fee dell’autotrasporto container genovese |
| 2024-06-04 | Il Canale di Panama verso la normalità dei transiti |
| 2024-06-04 | Retailers Rush to Secure Christmas Stock Amidst Soaring Shipping Costs |
| 2024-06-04 | Maersk raises full-year outlook |
| 2024-06-04 | Port congestion disrupts almost half Asia-Europe sailings |
| 2024-06-03 | Xeneta: Container shipping spot rates set to surpass Red Sea crisis peak |
| 2024-06-03 | Hapag-Lloyd updates Adriatic Sea Express service |
| 2024-06-03 | Container Rates on the Rise Again |
| 2024-06-03 | Shipping’s new reality |
| 2024-06-03 | Drewry: World Container Index up 151% on a Yearly Basis |
| 2024-06-03 | Xeneta: Freight rates to surpass Red Sea crisis peak |
| 2024-06-03 | Port congestion heightens container market troubles |
| 2024-06-03 | Red Sea/Gulf of Aden attacks and piracy and armed robbery information – IMO – MSC 108 |
| 2024-06-03 | I noli container potranno aumentare ancora nel 2024 |
| 2024-05-31 | In arrivo una congestion fee sull’autotrasporto di container da e per il porto di Genova |
| 2024-05-31 | War of attrition could prolong Cape diversions |
| 2024-05-31 | Rates climb on early peak season and capacity stretched thin |
| 2024-05-31 | Ocean freight container shipping market set to surpass Red Sea crisis peak and hit levels not seen since Covid-19 pandemic |
| 2024-05-28 | Port congestion returns to haunt the container markets |
| 2024-05-28 | Box ships omitting Singapore call as port congestion hits critical level |
| 2024-05-28 | Port operations in Bangladesh and India suspended as Cyclone Remal hits |
| 2024-05-27 | Top 10 Global Supply Chain Risks in 2024 |
| 2024-05-27 | Shipper fury as spot rates soar - and box lines ignore contracts |
| 2024-05-27 | Weekly Container Rate Update l Week 21 l A wider view of the dramatic spike in ocean freight spot rates |
| 2024-05-27 | Volano i noli container Shanghai – Genova (+15%) |
| 2024-05-27 | Sudden container crunch sends ocean freight rates soaring, setting off global trade alarm bells |
| 2024-05-27 | Yemen’s Houthis say they launch attacks on 3 ships including one in Mediterranean |
| 2024-05-27 | “Noli container verso un crollo ai minimi storici nei prossimi 12 mesi” |
| 2024-05-23 | Sea-Intelligence reports average minimum transit time up 39% on Asia-Med routes |
| 2024-05-23 | MSC revises rotation of Asia – North Europe service |
| 2024-05-23 | Come e quanto il Mediterraneo ha perso competitività per la crisi di Suez |
| 2024-05-23 | Ships in near miss with missile attacks off Yemen |
| 2024-05-23 | Strong demand, port congestion pushes intra-Asia rates to 30-month highs |
| 2024-05-23 | You’re Buying So Much From Temu And Shein The Air Cargo Industry Can’t Keep Up |
| 2024-05-23 | Wan Hai warns of battle for boxes as peak season starts early |
| 2024-05-23 | CMA CGM announces ESS from the Middle East Gulf to worldwide |
| 2024-05-23 | Red Sea bounce gives carriers bottom line boost |
| 2024-05-22 | Futures market bets on Asia-Europe rates staying high till October |
| 2024-05-22 | Red Sea crisis turns Lome into key transhipment hub on MSC's ex-Asia services |
| 2024-05-22 | Per i noli container atteso un crollo entro 12 mesi |
| 2024-05-21 | Ocean rates rally to last beyond May? Forget about it |
| 2024-05-21 | East-west freight rates continue rise; even transatlantic edges up |
| 2024-05-21 | Msc rafforza due linee con il Mediterraneo orientale che toccano anche l’Italia |
| 2024-05-21 | Maersk reopens Baltimore bookings |
| 2024-05-21 | XENETA: What is behind the sudden and dramatic increases in ocean freight container shipping rates? |
| 2024-05-21 | XENETA: The Hidden Costs of Procurement Inefficiency |
| 2024-05-21 | Tanker stalls after being hit by Houthi missile |
| 2024-05-21 | MSC increases rates for shipments to Valencia and Antwerp |
| 2024-05-21 | Hapag-Lloyd announces peak season surcharges for shipments to North America |
| 2024-05-16 | Red Sea crisis still leaves alliances short of ships, as newbuildings fully absorbed |
| 2024-05-16 | Hapag-Lloyd increases rates from India and Pakistan |
| 2024-05-16 | I blank sailing tornano a impattare sui noli nei trasporti marittimi di container |
| 2024-05-16 | Crollati del 42,9% i transiti di navi nel canale di Suez |
| 2024-05-14 | Schizzano in alto i noli container Cina – Italia (+16%) |
| 2024-05-14 | Containership deliveries reach record 1 million TEU |
| 2024-05-14 | Asian ports hit by Red Sea backlogs |
| 2024-05-14 | Maersk announces Far East peak season surcharges |
| 2024-05-14 | Navi portacontainer di Msc sempre più nel mirino degli Houthi |
| 2024-05-14 | Il calo dei ritardi navi avvicina il rischio di overcapacity |
| 2024-05-14 | CMA CGM commences new service connecting India West Coast with Middle East |
| 2024-05-14 | Atteso tra le polemiche un servizio mare+treno dalla Cina a Salerno |
| 2024-05-14 | La crisi in Mar Rosso mette a rischio 6 miliardi di export agroalimentare italiano |
| 2024-05-08 | Maersk to avoid Red Sea amid escalating tension |
| 2024-05-08 | Two more MSC ships targeted by the Houthis |
| 2024-05-08 | Asia-Europe ocean trades a nightmare scenario – 'unless you're a carrier' |
| 2024-05-07 | Forte rialzo del contratti container Cina – Europa ad aprile (+9,2%) |
| 2024-05-07 | Al via un nuovo servizio container tra Italia, Egitto e Israele |
| 2024-05-07 | Maersk raises surcharges as Red Sea risk expands and costs mount |
| 2024-05-06 | Xeneta Shipping Index (XSI®): Long term rates edge up globally as Red Sea conflict continues to cast uncertainty across the market |
| 2024-05-06 | Shipper frustration as spot rates rise alongside demand, and cargo is rolled |
| 2024-05-06 | Evergreen and COSCO to transfer giant ships from North Europe to Mediterranean services |
| 2024-05-06 | Il porto di Trieste aumenta del 140% le tasse portuali |
| 2024-05-06 | In ripresa i noli container Shanghai – Genova (+3%) |
| 2024-05-06 | La crisi del Mar Rosso costringe gli spedizionieri a contratti costosi con i liner |
| 2024-05-06 | Gli Houthi minacciano attacchi alle navi anche in Mediterraneo |
| 2024-05-06 | L’Iran rilascia l’equipaggio della portacontainer Msc Aries |
| 2024-05-02 | 11,100 new slots a day: April smashes records for liner deliveries |
| 2024-05-02 | Don't get too confident for Q2, market risks haven't disappeared, warns Yang Ming chief |
| 2024-05-02 | Houthis fire another MSC-operated vessel |
| 2024-05-02 | Reverting impact of Red Sea Crisis on schedule reliability |
| 2024-05-02 | Un VIDEO mostra come gli Houthi attaccano le navi con i droni |
| 2024-05-02 | Hapag-Lloyd introduces peak season surcharges from Asia to Africa |
| 2024-04-30 | Global liner growth projections built on low volume comparisons |
| 2024-04-30 | COSCO starts new China-Thailand service |
| 2024-04-30 | MSC begins new shuttle service between Asia and Mexico |
| 2024-04-30 | Shipping analyst: Red Sea crisis is preventing a freight rate and liner profit collapse |
| 2024-04-30 | Container ship reportedly targeted with missiles near Yemen’s Mokha, Ambrey says |
| 2024-04-30 | Msc sempre più dominatrice della flotta mondiale di portacontainer |
| 2024-04-30 | In arrivo altre due full container da record per Ignazio Messina |
| 2024-04-30 | Container shipping demand bounce not quite what it seems |
| 2024-04-30 | Maersk implements peak season surcharges worldwide |
| 2024-04-30 | Tanker sustains damage as Houthis intensify attacks |
| 2024-04-30 | CMA CGM applies new FAK rates from Asia to Med & North Africa |
| 2024-04-30 | Hapag-Lloyd increases rates from Far East to North Europe and Med |
| 2024-04-29 | A Paolo Guidi il timone di Cma Cgm Italy |
| 2024-04-29 | Red Sea crisis: Boxships travelling between Asia and the Med emitting 63% more emissions |
| 2024-04-29 | Houthis resume attacks on shipping |
| 2024-04-29 | Attacks on Red Sea shipping forces 66% decline in Suez Canal traffic – ONS |
| 2024-04-29 | MSC ship fired on by Houthis |
| 2024-04-29 | CMA CGM announces new FAK rates from Asia to North Europe |
| 2024-04-29 | In Ucraina tornano ad approdare le portacontainer |
| 2024-04-29 | Noli container Cina – Italia verso la stabilizzazione (+1%) |
| 2024-04-29 | Navi di Maersk e di Msc nuovamente nel mirino degli Houthi |
| 2024-04-29 | Global economy set to stay on a roll for the rest of the year |
| 2024-04-23 | Red Sea disruption pushing up container values and rates |
| 2024-04-23 | XENETA: Weekly Container Rate Update l Week 16 '24 l Escalation of conflict in the Middle East |
| 2024-04-22 | CMA CGM applies new rates from Asia to North Europe |
| 2024-04-22 | Navigating the impact of AI and hypnosis on shipping |
| 2024-04-22 | Maersk implements new surcharges from Asia |
| 2024-04-22 | Carriers look to short-term gains over blanking, as Red Sea crisis props up rates |
| 2024-04-22 | Hapag-Lloyd boosts rates from Far East to Europe |
| 2024-04-22 | MSC applies new prices from Far East to Europe |
| 2024-04-22 | Geopolitical conflict threatens yet another shipping choke point |
| 2024-04-22 | Drastico calo dei blank sailing sulle rotte container |
| 2024-04-22 | Evergreen clients signing transpac contracts as Red Sea crisis props up rates |
| 2024-04-22 | CMA CGM increases rates from Asia to Mediterranean |
| 2024-04-22 | India: Government issues fresh guidelines to protect ship movement in the Persian Gulf |
| 2024-04-22 | X-Press Feeders apre una nuova linea container fra Gibilterra e Italia |
| 2024-04-17 | Container shipping rates spike as tensions flare and uncertainty engulfs Middle East |
| 2024-04-17 | Krone launches new container generation |
| 2024-04-17 | Shipping freight rates may rise following Iran vessel seizure, attack on Israel |
| 2024-04-16 | Resurgence of Somali pirates creates another 'danger zone' for shipping |
| 2024-04-16 | Maersk enhances ME2 service, expanding operations to North Europe |
| 2024-04-16 | Cma Cgm toglie una linea a Genova e Livorno; Msc ne aggiunge un’altra a Gioia Tauro |
| 2024-04-16 | Container ship seized in Strait of Hormuz could threaten Middle East trade lanes |
| 2024-04-16 | Abbordata e sequestrata da miliziani iraniani la portacontainer Msc Aries (VIDEO) |
| 2024-04-16 | Shipping braces for Israel’s response to Iranian attacks |
| 2024-04-16 | EU naval force warns paying ransoms could lead to more Somali hijackings |
| 2024-04-16 | “Sono 238 i Teu italiani (per 14 mln di dollari) a bordo della Msc Aries” |
| 2024-04-10 | Iran says it can close Hormuz Strait, views Israeli presence in UAE as threat |
| 2024-04-10 | THE Alliance postpones relaunch of suspended Asia-USEC service |
| 2024-04-09 | Evergreen suspends Haiti calls amid security concerns |
| 2024-04-09 | Houthis fire at MSC and Borealis ships |
| 2024-04-09 | MSC faces financial penalty of over US$63 million relating to reefer overcharges |
| 2024-04-09 | CMA CGM announces “rate restoration” from North Europe and Med to North America |
| 2024-04-09 | Overcapacity Still Plaguing Container Shipping |
| 2024-04-09 | Arkas espande la flotta con l’acquisto di 4 nuove navi portacontainer |
| 2024-04-09 | Airfreight records 3-month growth streak with latest figures soaring by 11% |
| 2024-04-08 | Pirates, hijacks and hurricanes: The world’s most dangerous shipping routes revealed |
| 2024-04-08 | Shipping disruptions in the Red Sea: Local shock, global impact |
| 2024-04-08 | Alternative shipping channel opens amid Baltimore bridge collapse |
| 2024-04-08 | Maersk announces new peak season surcharges in Africa |
| 2024-04-08 | Hapag-Lloyd boosts rates from Far East to North Europe and Med |
| 2024-04-08 | CMA CGM increases rates from Asia to Med and North Africa |
| 2024-04-08 | Carriers unveil new FAK hikes in bid to halt Asia-Europe rates slide |
| 2024-04-08 | Red Sea update: More ships attacked as Houthis claim danger area 'expanding' |
| 2024-03-28 | MSC commences new Panama-US East Coast service |
| 2024-03-28 | CMA CGM updates rates from Asia to North Europe |
| 2024-03-28 | Houthis threaten Saudi Arabia’s oil installations for ‘supporting US aggression’ |
| 2024-03-28 | Bunker indices on an upward trend |
| 2024-03-28 | East Mediterranean hubs suffer as Red Sea crisis persists |
| 2024-03-28 | Houthis could partner with Iran, Somali pirates on Indian Ocean attacks |
| 2024-03-28 | How shipping containers can make or break the global economy |
| 2024-03-28 | CMA CGM si allea col liner saudita Folk Maritime |
| 2024-03-28 | Msc sta acquisendo il Secolo XIX |
| 2024-03-28 | Baltimore Bridge Collapse Could Disrupt Supply Chain -Xeneta |
| 2024-03-28 | Port of Baltimore suspends traffic operations amid bridge collapse |
| 2024-03-28 | Port of Baltimore’s indefinite closure deals blow to city, state economy |
| 2024-03-26 | Mass casualties feared as boxship takes out bridge in Baltimore |
| 2024-03-26 | La MSC Michigan inaugura l’era dei container ad Augusta |
| 2024-03-26 | Il video del ponte crollato a Baltimora: il momento in cui una nave lo urta e la struttura collassa |
| 2024-03-26 | Mass-casualty incident' as Maersk box ship destroys Baltimore bridge |
| 2024-03-26 | Baltimore bridge collapse disrupts traffic, port operations after ship collision |
| 2024-03-25 | Asia-Europe carriers revise FAK rates in fight to rein in revenue erosion |
| 2024-03-25 | Noli container Shanghai-Genova in calo dell’8% nell’ultima settimana |
| 2024-03-25 | Presto in servizio la prima portacontainer a navigazione autonoma |
| 2024-03-25 | Rumours of Houthi truce with China and Russia fall flat with latest tanker attack |
| 2024-03-22 | Maersk relaunches Transpacific service |
| 2024-03-22 | Red Sea Crisis in Full Swing Despite Months of Turbulence |
| 2024-03-22 | Red Sea fighting traps two oil ships in Houthi waters |
| 2024-03-22 | Noli container Cina-Europa ancora in netta discesa |
| 2024-03-22 | Chinese and Russians reportedly given safe passage through the Red Sea by the Houthis |
| 2024-03-22 | CMA CGM teams with Saudi liner newcomer |
| 2024-03-21 | Hapag-Lloyd increases Asia container rates |
| 2024-03-21 | 13% of world seaborne trade under attack from Houthis and Somali pirates |
| 2024-03-21 | Approdata a Psa Genova Pra’ la prima nave di Cosco da 20.000 Teu (FOTO) |
| 2024-03-21 | Gli armatori pagheranno tre miliardi per le loro emissioni nel 2024 |
| 2024-03-21 | Cosco Shipping presenta nuovi servizi per il 2024 |
| 2024-03-21 | La crisi del Mar Rosso rilancia l’autotrasporto tra Asia ed Europa |
| 2024-03-21 | Massive increase in container shipping imports from China into Mexico amid ongoing US trade war - XENETA |
| 2024-03-19 | Ocean Alliance rivela i servizi dei prossimi dodici mesi confermando Genova, Spezia e Trieste |
| 2024-03-19 | Xeneta: Importers Ship Through Mexico to Avoid US Tariffs on Chinese Goods |
| 2024-03-19 | The trade route from China to Mexico soars by 60% in January and establishes itself as one of the largest in the world |
| 2024-03-19 | Una portacontainer di Yang Ming ha abbattuto quattro gru di banchina in Turchia (VIDEO) |
| 2024-03-19 | Cresce il combinato mare-aereo dall’Asia all’Europa |
| 2024-03-19 | La Marina indiana libera la nave Ruen dai pirati |
| 2024-03-19 | Come sarebbe il trasporto container in un’economia di guerra |
| 2024-03-15 | Hijacked Bangladeshi ship reaches Somalia; Crew remains hostage |
| 2024-03-15 | We Asked AI: The Largest Container Ship in 2050 |
| 2024-03-15 | CMA CGM launches SEA REWARD loyalty programme |
| 2024-03-15 | Container rates drop to unsustainable levels, Maersk CEO says |
| 2024-03-15 | Ancora giù i noli container Shanghai – Genova (-5%) |
| 2024-03-15 | Cosco porta le portacontainer da 20mila teu a Genova |
| 2024-03-15 | Houthis vow to extend attacks deeper into the Indian Ocean |
| 2024-03-15 | CMA CGM applies new rates from Asia to Mediterranean |
| 2024-03-14 | Carriers still need another 400,000 teu to maintain services |
| 2024-03-14 | SCA introduces new Suez Canal mooring regulations and costs |
| 2024-03-14 | Hapag-Lloyd applies new GRI from Latin America to North America, Mexico, Central America and Caribbean |
| 2024-03-14 | OceanScore analysis shows near-tripling of EU ETS costs due to Red Sea crisis |
| 2024-03-14 | Red Sea crisis spurs surge in TEU capacity: Newbuildings fully absorbed |
| 2024-03-14 | Gli Houthi ora hanno messo anche l’Italia tra i nemici |
| 2024-03-14 | Saporiti (Vibram): “Le rese ex works uno specchietto per le allodole” |
| 2024-03-14 | Pirati sequestrano un cargo al largo della Somalia |
| 2024-03-14 | SeaLead box ship Pinocchio escapes Red Sea missile attack |
| 2024-03-14 | Maersk reopens Port Sudan bookings |
| 2024-03-14 | Panama Canal increases daily slots at Panamax Locks |
| 2024-03-14 | Le rese ex works sul banco degli imputati in un convegno organizzato da Aice |
| 2024-03-11 | Nuova flessione dei noli container Shanghai – Genova (-6%) |
| 2024-03-11 | Yemen’s Houthis target Singapore-flagged ship in Gulf of Aden |
| 2024-03-11 | UK exporters suffer amid Red Sea crisis |
| 2024-03-11 | Red Sea crisis overwhelms African ports operations |
| 2024-03-11 | In aumento i livelli medi dei noli contract container a febbraio (+4,3%) |
| 2024-03-11 | Calano i noli container su tutte le rotte |
| 2024-03-07 | Aumentano i ritardi medi delle portacontainer a gennaio |
| 2024-03-07 | Non-alliance liners double market share on Asia-Europe over the past year |
| 2024-03-07 | Non-alliance liners double market share on Asia-Europe over the past year |
| 2024-03-07 | Gravi danni a un cargo greco colpito nel Mar Rosso |
| 2024-03-07 | Shipping mourns first deaths from Red Sea crisis |
| 2024-03-07 | Three merchant ship crew killed in latest Houthi missile attacks |
| 2024-03-05 | Rubymar sinks, with cargo of fertiliser a threat to Red Sea ecosystem |
| 2024-03-05 | CMA CGM containership cargo 'for Pakistan military' seized in India |
| 2024-03-05 | Schedule reliability insights: CMA CGM climbs to the top |
| 2024-03-05 | CMA CGM implements new rates from Europe to Latin America and Carribean |
| 2024-03-05 | CMA CGM moves to Augusta port in Sicily |
| 2024-03-05 | Un’altra nave di Msc presa di mira e colpita dagli Houthi |
| 2024-03-05 | Separare le rotte container per affrontare la crisi del Mar Rosso |
| 2024-03-05 | Houthis move to tighten grip on Red Sea shipping |
| 2024-03-04 | Prima nave affondata dagli Houthi nel Mar Rosso |
| 2024-03-04 | XSI® records biggest increase in 18 months as US shippers and ocean freight carriers head into contract negotiations |
| 2024-03-04 | Scendono ancora e tornano sotto i 5.000$ i noli container Shanghai – Genova |
| 2024-03-04 | Panama Canal Drought Issues Improved, But Not Eradicated |
| 2024-03-04 | Empty container moves rise 20 per cent |
| 2024-03-01 | Andamento discontinuo dei noli container secondo le rotte |
| 2024-03-01 | Mar Rosso ma non solo: ecco le aree considerate a rischio guerra per la navigazione |
| 2024-03-01 | Lidl’s Tailwind crowned fastest-growing boxline in the world |
| 2024-03-01 | High transpac rates good news for carriers as new contract talks loom |
| 2024-03-01 | Empty container movements surge by 20% |
| 2024-03-01 | Hapag-Lloyd increases rates from North Europe and Mediterranean |
| 2024-03-01 | Emirates Shipping Line strengthens its Far East/Middle East service network |
| 2024-02-29 | Ocean carriers pile on capacity and dominate intra-Europe shortsea market |
| 2024-02-29 | Top 10 Shipowning Nations |
| 2024-02-29 | Beyond the Houthis’ attacks on shipping: The absurdity of the India-Middle East Corridor |
| 2024-02-29 | IMO Piracy Report: Twenty ships attacked during January 2024 |
| 2024-02-29 | Da aprile attivo il distanziere per l’autotrasporto di container |
| 2024-02-29 | The future of shipping alliances |
| 2024-02-29 | CMA CGM resumes Red Sea transits |
| 2024-02-28 | Ocean Alliance carriers kill 'defector' rumours with extension to 2032 |
| 2024-02-28 | Attacks drive up Red Sea war-risk insurance premiums 900% |
| 2024-02-28 | CMA CGM, COSCO, Evergreen and OOCL extend OCEAN Alliance to 2032 |
| 2024-02-28 | Cosco rivoluziona il trade Asia – Med e arriva nei porti liguri con navi da 20.000 Teu |
| 2024-02-28 | Xeneta appoints Amazon’s ‘needle in a haystack’ data specialist |
| 2024-02-28 | Msc sfiora il venti percento della stiva container globale |
| 2024-02-28 | New container shipping line established in Saudi Arabia |
| 2024-02-27 | Images emerge from Houthi escalation of attacks on shipping |
| 2024-02-27 | In arrivo la quinta full container per Ignazio Messina |
| 2024-02-27 | Suez Canal shipping volumes drop 55% in a week as Red Sea crisis continues |
| 2024-02-27 | Xeneta: ‘Cause and effect’. Red Sea surcharges and the power of uncertainty |
| 2024-02-27 | Houthis to step up Red Sea strikes, use ‘submarine weapons’, leader says |
| 2024-02-27 | Red Sea crisis milder than Covid-19, challenges to be seen in 2025 |
| 2024-02-27 | CMA CGM applies new rates from Indian Sub to North Europe and Med |
| 2024-02-27 | CMA CGM revises surcharge from North Europe to Med, Adriatic, Black Sea and North Africa |
| 2024-02-19 | Spiralling ocean freight rates from the Far East to US may have peaked |
| 2024-02-19 | Shipping rates show signs of easing despite Red Sea disruption |
| 2024-02-19 | Yemen’s Houthis claim missile attack on oil tanker in Red Sea |
| 2024-02-19 | Crew abandons ship after Red Sea missile attack, despite US fight-back |
| 2024-02-16 | CMA CGM receives first container ship in a series with unique design |
| 2024-02-16 | Red Sea crisis sees COSCO and MSC perform ad hoc North Europe-Med feedering |
| 2024-02-16 | ONE unveils new Transpacific service |
| 2024-02-16 | Shipping giant Maersk says Red Sea vessel diversions could extend into second half of 2024 |
| 2024-02-16 | Iran will reciprocate if its ships are seized, official says |
| 2024-02-16 | Ok al ritorno delle navi italiane nei porti israeliani |
| 2024-02-16 | Il porto di Gioia Tauro accoglie la premier Meloni con due nuove linee di Msc |
| 2024-02-16 | Leggera flessione (-1%) dei noli Shanghai – Genova nell’ultima settimana |
| 2024-02-16 | Houthis renew Red Sea attacks |
| 2024-02-16 | Houthi missiles hit Greek ship |
| 2024-02-15 | Shipping’s nuclear option in the move towards net zero: Is it viable? |
| 2024-02-15 | Arkas annuncia la sua espansione nel mercato americano |
| 2024-02-15 | CMA CGM announces new PSS from Oman to North Europe, Med, Adriatic, Black Sea and North Africa |
| 2024-02-15 | China-US container leasing rates rise threefold, container demand recovery on the horizon |
| 2024-02-15 | Xeneta: Spot rates rise above long term market on the Transatlantic trade – but what could be cause? |
| 2024-02-13 | Assessing round-of-Africa routing disruptions on deployed capacity |
| 2024-02-13 | Maersk vede nero per il futuro a causa dell’eccesso di stiva nel settore container |
| 2024-02-13 | Panama manterrà gli attuali transiti fino ad aprile |
| 2024-02-13 | I noli container Shanghai – Genova scendono a 5.225 dollari (-11%) |
| 2024-02-13 | End of Red Sea crisis will create choppy water for carriers, says Maersk |
| 2024-02-13 | Global Containership Fleet Snapshot as of 7 feb 2024 |
| 2024-02-08 | Container rates surge amid Red Sea crisis |
| 2024-02-08 | Somali pirates are back on the attack at a level not seen in years, adding to global shipping threats |
| 2024-02-08 | Houthi rebels launch ballistic missiles at U.S. and UK-linked ships |
| 2024-02-08 | Houthis say they fired at two ships in Red Sea, damaging both |
| 2024-02-07 | Twin strikes take Houthi ship attacks to the 50 mark |
| 2024-02-06 | CMA CGM applies new peak season surcharges worldwide |
| 2024-02-06 | I noli container Cina-Italia scendono sotto i 6mila dollari (-8%) |
| 2024-02-06 | Spot rates ease as Red Sea diversions become routine |
| 2024-02-06 | Exclusive: New survey reveals extent of Red Sea modal shift |
| 2024-02-06 | CMA CGM halts Red Sea transit on security risks -source |
| 2024-02-06 | Hapag-Lloyd announces new GRI from Asia to American destinations |
| 2024-02-06 | La crisi del Mar Rosso mette in difficoltà 154 miliardi di interscambio Italia -Cina |
| 2024-02-06 | Cma Cgm abbandona il Mar Rosso e aumenta i noli |
| 2024-02-06 | Spot rates bottoming out, but contract rates to rise in tandem with costs |
| 2024-02-06 | ONE introduces world’s first dual-temperature refrigerated container |
| 2024-02-06 | Maersk commences new service between Middle East and Europe |
| 2024-01-31 | The Red Sea Under The Microscope: A Deep Dive Into Suez Canal Rerouting And Its Consequences |
| 2024-01-31 | Contrasting schedule reliability in Taiwan’s container lines |
| 2024-01-31 | Impact of Red Sea crisis on ocean freight shipping is more rapid than Covid-19 as tensions run high across the industry |
| 2024-01-31 | Crescita noli container più veloce che nella pandemia |
| 2024-01-31 | Xeneta: Red Sea crisis accelerates ocean freight impact |
| 2024-01-30 | Container ships defy Panama transit trends |
| 2024-01-30 | UNCTAD: The Red Sea shipping crisis is having a ‘dramatic’ impact, warns logistics chief |
| 2024-01-30 | Sale il divario dei noli container dall’Asia verso Mediterraneo e Nord Europa |
| 2024-01-30 | Mar Rosso: la dashboard sull’impatto della crisi |
| 2024-01-30 | Danni per 8,8 miliardi al commercio estero italiano dalla crisi del Mar Rosso |
| 2024-01-30 | La pirateria marittima mondiale è cresciuta nel 2023 |
| 2024-01-30 | La crisi del Mar Rosso fa volare il cargo aereo |
| 2024-01-30 | Gli Houthi bombardano una petroliera noleggiata a Trafigura nel Golfo di Aden |
| 2024-01-30 | Weak demand and overcapacity adding to carrier Red Sea stress |
| 2024-01-26 | THE Alliance temporarily halts AR1 service due to Red Sea crisis |
| 2024-01-26 | Red Sea crisis expected to spike vessel emissions |
| 2024-01-26 | Rallenta l’aumento dei noli container tra Asia ed Europa |
| 2024-01-26 | Hapag-Lloyd halts Asia-Red Sea service |
| 2024-01-26 | Asia-Europe spot rates level out as CNY doldrums come into view |
| 2024-01-25 | RED SEA CRISIS: Latest data from Xeneta forecasts ocean freight shipping rates are set to rise further in February |
| 2024-01-25 | Arkas consolida il network di collegamenti tra East Med e Nord Africa |
| 2024-01-25 | In autunno partirà la rotta ro-ro fra Trieste e Damietta |
| 2024-01-25 | Panama Canal toll revenue drops |
| 2024-01-25 | Red Sea shipping stages fragile uptick as US continues to hit Houthi sites |
| 2024-01-25 | Red Sea shipping stages fragile uptick as US continues to hit Houthi sites |
| 2024-01-25 | Annunciata da Msc la nuova rotazione dei servizi di linea Asia – Europa |
| 2024-01-25 | Gli Houthi deviano la rotta di due portacontainer Maersk |
| 2024-01-25 | Charter market heats up – carriers could need up to 200 extra ships |
| 2024-01-23 | Red Sea crisis diverts attention back to shipping |
| 2024-01-23 | Repercussions of Red Sea hostilities |
| 2024-01-23 | Crisi del Mar Rosso: balzo delle spedizioni aeree dal Vietnam all’Europa (+62%) |
| 2024-01-23 | CMA CGM reroutes more ships to avoid Red Sea attacks |
| 2024-01-23 | Quanto e quale import italiano è più colpito dallo stop alla navigazione in Mar Rosso |
| 2024-01-23 | Panama Canal headaches not so painful for box ships, but costs will rise |
| 2024-01-23 | Prezzi alle stelle per i container in transito sul Mar Rosso, tutta colpa degli Houthi |
| 2024-01-23 | Hapag-Lloyd to offer land transit through Saudi Arabia amid Red Sea disruption |
| 2024-01-19 | Red Sea Crisis marks second largest capacity drop after Ever Given grounding |
| 2024-01-19 | Red Sea ship diversions boost bunker demand, prices in Africa, Mediterranean |
| 2024-01-19 | I noli Cina-Italia staccano quelli delle altre rotte container: +21% nell’ultima settimana |
| 2024-01-19 | Terzo mercantile colpito dagli Houthi in una settimana |
| 2024-01-19 | Bomb attack targets ZIM’s Piraeus office in Greece |
| 2024-01-18 | Maersk and Hapag-Lloyd to form new alliance |
| 2024-01-18 | Maersk, Hapag-Lloyd reveal initial service network plan for Gemini |
| 2024-01-18 | CMA CGM revamps TYRREX 2 service, connecting Malta, Italy and Algeria |
| 2024-01-18 | Maersk CEO sees Red Sea shipping disruption lasting ‘at least a few months’ |
| 2024-01-18 | Le ripercussioni degli attacchi nel Mar Rosso sui traffici del porto di Ravenna |
| 2024-01-17 | Sea freight can increase by 5% to 10% in 2024 |
| 2024-01-17 | More ships avoid Red Sea as Houthis hit ship carrying steel in Gulf of Aden |
| 2024-01-17 | Crisi in Mar Rosso: quanto pesa il deficit di capacità di stiva e perchè non dovrebbe preoccupare |
| 2024-01-17 | La crisi del Mar Rosso lascia a secco i porti italiani |
| 2024-01-17 | Red Sea exodus in full flow |
| 2024-01-16 | Container shortage starts to bite, adding to pressure on costs |
| 2024-01-16 | Red Sea crisis changes container shipping situation from glut to tightness |
| 2024-01-16 | FBX Index January 2024: Expect disruptions to continue |
| 2024-01-16 | Red sea shipping disruption rages on and the impact will continue well into 2024 |
| 2024-01-16 | Missile degli Houthi colpisce una nave cargo statunitense |
| 2024-01-16 | How shippers can prepare for whatever the Red Sea crisis throws at them |
| 2024-01-16 | Red Sea crisis triggers 40 per cent drop in Suez Canal revenues |
| 2024-01-16 | La crisi del Mar Rosso spinge le merci sull’aereo |
| 2024-01-16 | Drop in Suez Canal revenues could affect Egyptian economy |
| 2024-01-16 | Houthi attacks aimed at trade disruption, not ship destruction |
| 2024-01-15 | Red Sea-Suez crisis quadruples Asia-Europe & Med rates |
| 2024-01-15 | Hapag Lloyd potenzia e allarga il servizio Adx che tocca anche Venezia e Ancona |
| 2024-01-15 | La ‘questione’ Mar Rosso rilancia il traffico Cina-Europa su rotaia |
| 2024-01-15 | US and UK missile strikes could be ‘beginning of the endgame’ in the Red Sea |
| 2024-01-15 | I noli container potranno crescere fino al 200% |
| 2024-01-15 | Houthis defiant despite repeated strikes on Yemeni base |
| 2024-01-12 | Nuovo balzo dei noli container Cina – Italia: +25% nell’ultima settimana |
| 2024-01-12 | Il nolo container Shanghai-Genova supera i 5000 dollari |
| 2024-01-12 | US and UK conduct airstrikes against the Houthis |
| 2024-01-12 | Seized suezmax heads to Iran |
| 2024-01-12 | Usa e Gran Bretagna bombardano basi Houthi in Yemen. |
| 2024-01-12 | Yemen, attacchi aerei Usa e Gb contro i ribelli filoiraniani Houthi |
| 2024-01-12 | Shippers must act quickly to protect supply chains amid surging ocean freight rates and market confusion |
| 2024-01-12 | Shippers face 'eye-watering' rates and rollovers as carriers 'cherry-pick' cargo |
| 2024-01-11 | Red Sea Crisis 4 Steps Shippers Can Take Now to Keep Control of Your Supply Chain |
| 2024-01-11 | Houthi’s choice: renounce Israel calls or face attacks |
| 2024-01-11 | Hapag-Lloyd increases rates from Indian Sub and Middle East to North America |
| 2024-01-11 | Maersk charters ships from ONE and Wan Hai due to “insufficient” fleet |
| 2024-01-11 | CMA CGM applies new peak season surcharges from Far East Asia to West Africa Central |
| 2024-01-11 | BIMCO: Record deliveries could push container fleet above 30 million TEUs in 2024 |
| 2024-01-11 | 18 Major Shipping Lines Re-route Vessels around South Africa |
| 2024-01-11 | Entra in servizio la portacontainer Jolly Giada d’Ignazio Messina |
| 2024-01-11 | Tanker boarded near Strait of Hormuz in latest Middle East shipping chaos |
| 2024-01-11 | Quanto ci costa la crisi nel Mar Rosso? A rischio le piccole e medie imprese italiane |
| 2024-01-11 | Red Sea crisis stifles global shipping |
| 2024-01-11 | HMM launches 'extra loaders' to help Asian exporters as CNY looms |
| 2024-01-11 | Shippers must pay a heavy price for capacity, as 'ships are filling up' |
| 2024-01-11 | Sea-Intelligence sees major short-term impact of Red Sea crisis on container capacity |
| 2024-01-10 | Houthis fire their greatest barrage of weapons to date in the ongoing Red Sea shipping crisis |
| 2024-01-10 | Safety and security changes in the transportation of goods by sea, road and rail to the EU |
| 2024-01-10 | Shipping costs rise by up to 250% due to Red Sea attacks |
| 2024-01-10 | Hapag-Lloyd to continue to avoid Suez Canal, decide again next week |
| 2024-01-10 | How companies are responding to attacks on ships in the Red Sea |
| 2024-01-10 | Rocketing ocean rates predicted to decline post-Chinese New Year |
| 2024-01-10 | Shipper switch to air freight will see rates take off next week |
| 2024-01-09 | Cosco cancella le toccate in Israele e Zim assume direttamente la linea con l’Italia |
| 2024-01-09 | Alcune compagnie marittime cercano un accordo con gli Houthi? |
| 2024-01-09 | Naval assets – including from Iran – build up in the Red Sea |
| 2024-01-09 | Maersk announces new peak season surcharges worldwide |
| 2024-01-09 | 80% of all container ships on Suez route divert to Cape of Good Hope |
| 2024-01-08 | Maersk warns of major disruption as diverts ships away from Red Sea |
| 2024-01-08 | EU ETS: important compliance clarifications |
| 2024-01-08 | War, weather put ocean shippers on notice for rough seas in 2024 |
| 2024-01-08 | Red Sea crisis may push shipping costs by 60%, insurance by 20%: GTRI |
| 2024-01-08 | Shipping volume in Suez Canal drops 28% after disruptions |
| 2024-01-08 | Salito a 46 giorni il transit time di una nave per la tratta Shanghai – Genova |
| 2024-01-08 | Houthis show no sign of backing down in tense Red Sea standoff |
| 2024-01-08 | China's Cosco suspends Israel-bound ocean services |
| 2024-01-08 | Countries shy away from US coalition to protect Red Sea shipping |
| 2024-01-05 | A 13 nation warning to the Houthis – “end the attacks in the Red Sea or else….” |
| 2024-01-05 | Red Sea crisis boosts shipping costs, delays – and inflation worries |
| 2024-01-05 | Ocean cargo rates climb after new Red Sea ship attacks |
| 2024-01-05 | Houthis sent explosive drone boat towards Red Sea shipping lanes, Pentagon says |
| 2024-01-05 | La crisi in Mar Rosso fa schizzare i noli container: +114% per quelli Shanghai – Genova |
| 2024-01-05 | One ufficializza la rotta via Capo di Buona Speranza del servizio India – Med in partenza |
| 2024-01-05 | Maersk rinuncia nuovamente a Suez, Cma Cgm raddoppia le tariffe |
| 2024-01-05 | US East Coast ports still suffer with Panama Canal problems |
| 2024-01-05 | La crisi del Mar Rosso favorisce i treni tra Cina ed Europa |
| 2024-01-05 | Shippers facing huge wave of rocketing ocean rates and new surcharges |
| 2024-01-05 | CMA CGM announces new FAK rates from Asia to Med and North Europe |
| 2024-01-04 | Red Sea attacks continue, despite naval protection, and shipping costs soar |
| 2024-01-04 | Red Sea crisis expected to drive sea-air demand as Chinese New Year looms |
| 2024-01-04 | Container shipping rates spike as Red Sea crisis draws first blood |
| 2024-01-04 | Maersk’s Red Sea shipping pause highlights challenges for U.S.-led efforts to protect trade |
| 2024-01-04 | Impennata della tensione e dei noli nel Mar Rosso |
| 2024-01-04 | Military action against land-based targets in Yemen moves a step closer |
| 2024-01-03 | ZIM increases rates from Med and Black Sea to USEC, Gulf, Canada and Mexico |
| 2024-01-03 | EU ETS adoption: opaque methodologies leave container markets to navigate murky waters |
| 2024-01-03 | CMA CGM implements PSS from South Türkiye to North Europe |
| 2024-01-03 | CMA CGM close to top spot in intra-Mediterranean |
| 2024-01-03 | Red Sea shipping workarounds add costs, delays for suppliers, retailers |
| 2024-01-03 | CMA CGM implements PSS from Asia to North Europe and Mauritius |
| 2024-01-03 | CMA CGM introduces new PSS from Middle East Gulf |
| 2024-01-03 | Per superare il Mar Rosso le compagnie provano un uso originale dell’Ais |
| 2024-01-03 | Shippers remain wary of Red Sea transit as regional tensions rise |
| 2024-01-03 | France’s CMA CGM hikes shipping rates between Asia and Mediterranean |
| 2024-01-02 | Battaglia intorno alla portacontainer Maersk Hangzhou |
| 2023-12-22 | Maersk revises peak season surcharge from Far East to East Coast South America |
| 2023-12-22 | Red Sea chaos should boost tanker and container shipping rates |
| 2023-12-22 | Shippers mask positions, weigh options amid Red Sea attacks |
| 2023-12-22 | Per Kalypso Compagnia di Navigazione richiesta la messa in liquidazione |
| 2023-12-22 | Contro le minacce sul Mar Rosso nuove contromosse dei vettori marittimi |
| 2023-12-22 | Noli, tempi, velocità e porti mediterranei: le prime stime sull’impatto della crisi in Mar Rosso |
| 2023-12-22 | Major Arab States Stay Out of US Coalition to Defend Red Sea Shipping |
| 2023-12-22 | Gli Houthi spingono in alto i noli container |
| 2023-12-22 | Dalla crisi per le navi in Mar Rosso primi problemi per Ikea e Abercrombie |
| 2023-12-22 | Dalla crisi per le navi in Mar Rosso primi problemi per Ikea e Abercrombie |
| 2023-12-22 | ZIM ships banned from Malaysia as Gaza war drags on |
| 2023-12-19 | As warships move into the Red Sea, carriers delay or re-route 100+ box ships |
| 2023-12-19 | Container Overcapacity Expected to Hit Hard in 2024 |
| 2023-12-19 | Crescono le tensioni in Mar Rosso e anche le navi cisterna dirottano le proprie rotte |
| 2023-12-19 | Fearing Further Attacks the Big Four of Shipping Pause Red Sea Operations |
| 2023-12-19 | Carriers roll out peak season surcharges as capacity crunch looms |
| 2023-12-19 | Red Sea shipping risks: 'forwarders will also take advantage and raise rates' |
| 2023-12-18 | MSC implementes new Asia FAK rates |
| 2023-12-18 | Missile attacks threaten global supply chain crisis at Suez Canal: Two boxships attacked, one on fire |
| 2023-12-18 | CMA CGM increases rates from Red Sea to North Europe & West Med |
| 2023-12-18 | Houthi rebel missile attacks threaten global supply chain crisis at Suez Canal |
| 2023-12-18 | Altri attacchi alle navi fra Mar Rosso e Aden, si muove anche l’Italia |
| 2023-12-18 | US to lead naval escort operation in the Red Sea |
| 2023-12-17 | Caos nel Mar Rosso, Msc ferma le navi a Suez e le dirotta in Africa |
| 2023-12-15 | THE Alliance announces updated service network for 2024 |
| 2023-12-15 | Containership hit by missile as more vessels in Red Sea come under attack |
| 2023-12-15 | Liner diversions and war-risk surcharges drive up costs for Asia-Europe shippers |
| 2023-12-15 | Red Sea latest: Maersk and Hapag-Lloyd ships attacked, Navibulgar bulk carrier boarded |
| 2023-12-15 | I noli container puntano ancora in alto |
| 2023-12-15 | Houthi Hijacking in the Red Sea: A Disturbing Escalation |
| 2023-12-15 | Shippers should expect more service disruption in 2024 as container lines seek to manage oversupply and limit losses, says leading shipping analyst |
| 2023-12-12 | CMA CGM increases rates from Asia to North Europe, Med and North Africa |
| 2023-12-12 | Container freight rates fall to 2019 levels while costs remain high |
| 2023-12-12 | Si prepara a entrare in servizio per Maersk la prima maxi portacontainer a metanolo |
| 2023-12-12 | Carriers pushing rate hikes ahead of new year service suspensions |
| 2023-12-12 | Hapag-Lloyd raises rates from Far East to North Europe and Mediterranean |
| 2023-12-12 | Xeneta: Spot Rates Out of Far East |
| 2023-12-12 | Per Drewry e Xeneta contratti container ancora in discesa a novembre |
| 2023-12-12 | Robusta crescita dei noli container dalla Cina all’Europa |
| 2023-12-12 | ONE vessel runs aground in Suez Canal |
| 2023-12-12 | Carriers force through rate hikes and prevent new 'race to the bottom' |
| 2023-12-12 | Israel-Hamas war driving up costs for carriers and their customers |
| 2023-12-12 | Hapag-Lloyd is working on wind-assisted propulsion project for container ships |
| 2023-12-06 | War risk insurance rates edge up after surge in Red Sea ship attacks |
| 2023-12-06 | La Cina progetta una portacontainer nucleare |
| 2023-12-06 | La guerra a Gaza aumenta i costi del trasporto marittimo |
| 2023-12-06 | Geopolitical shocks pose the greatest threat to supply chain health |
| 2023-12-06 | Yang Ming diverts Asia-USEC service from congested Panama Canal |
| 2023-12-05 | Cinque big deI trasporto marittimo chiedono all’Imo un termine per i combustibili tradizionali |
| 2023-12-05 | I vettori container annunciano gli Ets Surcharge applicati da gennaio anche da e per il Mediterraneo |
| 2023-12-05 | EU ETS carbon emissions regulations – a sea-change for ocean freight shipping or a toothless tiger? |
| 2023-12-05 | China ports container volume rises 4.9% from January to October 2023?Ningbo Containerized Freight Index decrease in November 2023 |
| 2023-12-05 | I ricavi dei liner container sprofondati e tornati ai minimi pre-pandemia |
| 2023-12-05 | OOCL box ship in Red Sea hit by rocket fired from a drone |
| 2023-12-05 | Carriers set for major blanking programme |
| 2023-12-05 | Aumentano gli attacchi a navi mercantili in Medio Oriente |
| 2023-12-05 | US discusses Red Sea naval escorts with allies |
| 2023-12-01 | SeaLead commences new service between Mediterranean and Brazil |
| 2023-12-01 | No reservation at Panama Canal? Prepare for a long wait |
| 2023-12-01 | Ominous signs on the Xeneta XSI® point to a brutal 2024 for ocean freight carriers |
| 2023-12-01 | La siccità di Panama inizia a impattare sulle portacontainer |
| 2023-11-30 | Fleet-heavy ocean carriers also stuck with too many containers |
| 2023-11-30 | Per gli attacchi alle navi israeliane Zim e Maersk evitano Mar Rosso e Mar Arabico |
| 2023-11-30 | MSC introduces Panama Canal surcharge |
| 2023-11-30 | CMA CGM alters FAL 1 and FAL3 services on Asia-North Europe network |
| 2023-11-30 | More box ships diverting to Suez Canal routes as Panama restrictions tighten |
| 2023-11-30 | Carriers set course for new shores in search of profitable growth |
| 2023-11-30 | Le portacontainer della Zim evitano il Canale di Suez |
| 2023-11-30 | ETS: 7 Paesi europei scrivono a Bruxelles |
| 2023-11-30 | CMA CGM to commence new service connecting Asia with Indian Subcontinent |
| 2023-11-28 | Trasporto marittimo senza pace, due navi cambiano rotta per paura della ‘pirateria’ |
| 2023-11-28 | Container shipping to bear brunt of EU Emissions Trading System |
| 2023-11-28 | Maersk halts operations in Syria |
| 2023-11-28 | Shock as new Asia-N Europe FAK rate dwarfs weak spot market |
| 2023-11-28 | MSC slaps bumper surcharge on boxes through restricted Panama Canal |
| 2023-11-28 | CMA CGM increases freight rates from Asia |
| 2023-11-28 | ‘Dire’ scenario for shipping lines more likely as spot rates fall back |
| 2023-11-28 | Netta discesa dei noli container nella quarta settimana di novembre |
| 2023-11-28 | Chaotic scenes in the Red Sea as Israeli-linked ships are targeted |
| 2023-11-28 | Carriers try for more GRIs on Asia-Europe, eyeing Thanksgiving positives |
| 2023-11-28 | Are carriers sailing into 2024 bloodbath? |
| 2023-11-28 | Suspected drone attack on Israeli-owned container ship |
| 2023-11-28 | ONE announces new service to link West India with North America |
| 2023-11-22 | Shipping: EU ETS Will Redefine Industry Standards |
| 2023-11-22 | Scheduled capacity on main box tradelanes still at ‘unsustainable levels’ |
| 2023-11-22 | Asia-Europe carriers play hardball with threats of service suspension |
| 2023-11-22 | More surcharges loom for shippers as Panama Canal restrictions tighten |
| 2023-11-22 | Container xChange: Reduced Demand and Oversupply Could Hamper a 2024 Recovery |
| 2023-11-22 | Dal presidente degli spedizionieri italiani alcuni suggerimenti utili per chi spedisce merci |
| 2023-11-22 | Ocean freight rates will bounce back in 2024…with lots of challenges |
| 2023-11-21 | ONE launches new Black Sea Turkey Service |
| 2023-11-21 | Shipping: EU ETS Will Redefine Industry Standards |
| 2023-11-21 | Aponte (Msc): “Nonostante l’Ets nessuna conseguenza per Gioia Tauro” |
| 2023-11-21 | Scheduled capacity on main box tradelanes still at ‘unsustainable levels’ |
| 2023-11-20 | Carrier alliance analysis: Ocean Alliance expands on Asia-North Europe |
| 2023-11-20 | Hapag-Lloyd to increase rates worldwide in December |
| 2023-11-20 | Xeneta Customers Say: Has ocean shipping lost its moral compass? |
| 2023-11-20 | Noli container in ribasso anche nella terza settimana di novembre |
| 2023-11-20 | Carriers at a critical juncture as spot market flashes red signals again |
| 2023-11-13 | GRIs trigger Asia-Europe spot rate jump, but can carriers hold the line? |
| 2023-11-13 | Drewry: World Container Index Up 7% This Week |
| 2023-11-13 | Admiral Container Lines debutta in Italia con una linea container intra-Med |
| 2023-11-13 | Ripresa dei noli container: in aumento dell’8% quelli da Shanghai a Genova |
| 2023-11-13 | Ancora in discesa a ottobre (-2,6%) i contratti del trasporto via mare di container |
| 2023-11-10 | 2M dissolution shifts to Atlantic |
| 2023-11-10 | Transito nel Canale di Panama da record: pagati da una nave 4 Mln $ |
| 2023-11-10 | Accelera la risalita dei noli container tra Asia ed Europa |
| 2023-11-10 | Panama Canal queue grows 13% in the space of 24 hours |
| 2023-11-08 | The EU ETS And Shipping: A Bumpy Ride Ahead? |
| 2023-11-08 | Tornano a scendere i contratti del trasporto container: -2,6% a ottobre |
| 2023-11-08 | October container market data shows resumed decline |
| 2023-11-08 | MSC and Maersk unwind transatlantic fleets as rates hit new low |
| 2023-11-07 | Air and sea shippers weigh pros and cons of index-linked agreements |
| 2023-11-07 | Ocean freight firms wait for container rates to rebound in 2024 |
| 2023-11-07 | Hapag-Lloyd increases FAK rates between Far East and Europe |
| 2023-11-07 | CMA CGM applies new FAK rates from Asia to Med and North Africa |
| 2023-11-06 | CMA CGM applies new FAK rates from Asia to North Europe |
| 2023-11-06 | Maersk decided to cut at least 10,000 jobs |
| 2023-11-06 | Emirates Shipping Line to commence Far East Africa Express service |
| 2023-11-06 | XSI drops 2.6% in Oct, ocean shipping rates rally short-lived |
| 2023-11-03 | Hapag-Lloyd enhances Adriatic Sea Express service |
| 2023-11-03 | Hapag-Lloyd increases rates from North Europe |
| 2023-11-03 | FAK rate hike fuels jump in long-haul freight rates |
| 2023-11-03 | EU what? A simple guide to the EU ETS, its impacts, and what action you can take to manage risk and reduce costs |
| 2023-11-03 | Pressure on Box owners in Europe to reposition containers to other regions as depots flood with empties |
| 2023-11-03 | Container Rates: Upturn in the ocean freight shipping market proves to be a false dawn |
| 2023-11-03 | Tanger Med, East Port Said added to EU’s upcoming emissions regulations |
| 2023-11-03 | Vessel utilisation continues to decline |
| 2023-11-03 | Threat to contract rates as carriers fail to boost spot market prices |
| 2023-11-03 | Schedule reliability improves, Maersk and Hamburg Süd top rankings |
| 2023-10-31 | CMA CGM increases rates on Transatlantic trade |
| 2023-10-31 | CMA CGM announces overweight surcharge from Middle East Gulf to Europe and Mediterrannean |
| 2023-10-31 | Transatlantic westbound 'a total disaster', with 'unsustainable' rates |
| 2023-10-30 | Ocean Alliance’s dominant era comes after 2M breakup |
| 2023-10-30 | Thai government to start national container shipping line |
| 2023-10-30 | Liner hopes for spot rate hikes dampened by 'a sea of red ink' |
| 2023-10-30 | Xeneta_Outlook_2024_Ocean_Freight_Shipping |
| 2023-10-27 | Cargo consolidators turn to FCL as global market dynamics change |
| 2023-10-27 | Suez Canal fees set to rise |
| 2023-10-27 | Xeneta segnala 6 fattori da tenere sotto osservazione nel trasporto container 2024 |
| 2023-10-27 | MSC and Maersk 'decouple' their fleets, ready to go their separate ways |
| 2023-10-27 | Xeneta Summit: Ocean Shipping Industry Must Invest And Build Partnerships To Reduce Carbon |
| 2023-10-27 | Ships advised to wait further offshore as rockets rain down around Israel |
| 2023-10-27 | Massive boxship orderbook delivering into record ageing fleet |
| 2023-10-27 | Capacity management in ocean freight shipping will be key in coming years, and index-based pricing could offer a solution |
| 2023-10-27 | 'Overcapacity will persist, prompting more scrapping and slow-steaming' |
| 2023-10-27 | ONE launches new Indian Ocean Mediterranean service |
| 2023-10-27 | 2028 is earliest for overcapacity absorption: Sea-Intelligence |
| 2023-10-24 | Il Governo italiano chiede un correttivo all’ETS (mentre monta la protesta nel concreto) |
| 2023-10-24 | Nel 2024 potrebbero aumentare i noli container |
| 2023-10-24 | Hapag-Lloyd installs tracking devices on 700,000 containers |
| 2023-10-24 | Le compagnie marittime stimano i sovrapprezzi Ets |
| 2023-10-20 | Evergreen line declares force majeure on Israel shipment -customer note |
| 2023-10-20 | La flotta inattiva di portacontainer sopra il milione di teu |
| 2023-10-20 | Xeneta forecasts a stormy 2024 as shipping lines set sights on freight rate increases |
| 2023-10-20 | Dal 2024 Amazon consegnerà in Italia con i nuovi droni di Prime Air |
| 2023-10-20 | Israel-Hamas war: 10% of Ashdod Port staff recruited by Israeli army, first war-related surcharges announced |
| 2023-10-20 | CMA CGM reshuffles TMX 1 service connecting Turkey, Spain, France, Algeria and Malta |
| 2023-10-20 | Carriers fight back against sub-economic rates with FAK hikes |
| 2023-10-18 | MOL to install Starlink service on more than 200 vessels after successfull trials |
| 2023-10-18 | ZIM strengthens Latin America network with new services |
| 2023-10-18 | Il Governo italiano chiede un correttivo all’ETS (mentre monta la protesta nel concreto) |
| 2023-10-18 | Protesta a Gioia Tauro contro le conseguenze dell’Ets |
| 2023-10-18 | 30% of ports worldwide unprepared for incoming IMO maritime single window legislation |
| 2023-10-16 | Bruxelles irrevocabile: fine della ‘pacchia’ per le alleanze del container |
| 2023-10-16 | Portacontainer cinesi viaggiano sulla rotta artica |
| 2023-10-16 | Maersk to install SpaceX’s Starlink on its vessels |
| 2023-10-16 | Asia-N Europe rates level out, but can carriers maintain discipline? |
| 2023-10-16 | Hapag-Lloyd increases rates from Turkiye and Bangladesh |
| 2023-10-16 | MABUX reports downward trend in global bunker prices |
| 2023-10-16 | Piracy and armed robbery in Asian waters set to surpass last year’s figures |
| 2023-10-16 | Xeneta Container Trends Update - October 2023 |
| 2023-10-11 | Golden week holidays no barrier to rate index decline |
| 2023-10-11 | Maersk says port operations in Israel working normally |
| 2023-10-11 | Drewry: 5 indicazioni ai caricatori per i contratti di trasporto container 2024 |
| 2023-10-10 | FBX Index October 2023: Market summary |
| 2023-10-10 | More ocean rate gloom as analyst warns of further 'severe downturn' |
| 2023-10-10 | CMA-CGM: Preparing for the EU Emissions Trading System application to shipping |
| 2023-10-10 | Lean times ahead for Europe’s box ports as carriers push for more capacity cuts |
| 2023-10-10 | Global bunker indices show minor fluctuations |
| 2023-10-10 | FBX Index October 2023: The market at a crossroads |
| 2023-10-10 | Maersk unveils new-look boxship |
| 2023-10-05 | Medkon Lines acquires its largest boxship |
| 2023-10-05 | Sea-Intelligence reports major misalignments on ocean carrier carbon taxation |
| 2023-10-05 | Rate hike hopes, but liners face one of the 'worst slack seasons ever' |
| 2023-10-04 | Couple’s corpses found in Evergreen container in Bangkok |
| 2023-10-04 | Il porto di Gioia Tauro scende in piazza e grida: “Bruxelles, il tuo ETS non ci arresterà!” |
| 2023-10-04 | Msc diffonde per la prima volta un suo bilancio |
| 2023-10-04 | EU ETS uncertainties set to cause carrier misalignments |
| 2023-10-03 | Hapag-Lloyd leads a rates fightback with FAK hike on Asia-N Europe |
| 2023-10-03 | OOCL vessel catches fire in Japan |
| 2023-10-03 | Hapag-Lloyd applies new rates from Europe to Arabian Gulf and Indian Subcontinent |
| 2023-10-03 | Alphaliner TOP 100 / 03 Oct 2023 |
| 2023-10-02 | Si arresta la caduta dei noli container: primi segnali di ripresa |
| 2023-10-02 | “ETS inefficace e dannoso per i porti europei” |
| 2023-10-02 | Si arresta la caduta dei noli container: primi segnali di ripresa |
| 2023-09-29 | Peak season already over' as ocean freight rates collapse further |
| 2023-09-29 | Dal 1 ottobre entra in vigore Cbam, il nuovo dazio doganale ambientale |
| 2023-09-29 | 150,000 empty containers stranded in Russia as trade imbalance grows |
| 2023-09-29 | CMA CGM orders another eight methanol-fuelled containerships |
| 2023-09-29 | Xeneta: A turning point for the ocean freight industry? Data reveals first rise in long-term ocean freight rates in a year |
| 2023-09-27 | China debuts new container size |
| 2023-09-26 | Le dieci aree calde per il trasporto marittimo di container |
| 2023-09-26 | ZIM launches direct service between Savannah and WCSA |
| 2023-09-26 | CMA CGM revises low water surcharge in Brazil |
| 2023-09-25 | New container service connects Europe with South America |
| 2023-09-25 | Trouble ahead: Container shipping rates sinking further into the red |
| 2023-09-25 | Drewry: World Container Index Down By 5.2% This Week |
| 2023-09-25 | Noli container Cina – Italia ancora in picchiata: spedizioni sotto i 1.600 dollari |
| 2023-09-25 | Seconda portacontainer nella flotta d’Ignazio Messina |
| 2023-09-25 | Maersk and Hapag-Lloyd offer their guides to 2024 ETS surcharges |
| 2023-09-25 | Mexico-US trade flows checked as borders become pressure points |
| 2023-09-22 | Little hope of 2024 upturn in box shipping trades, says Yang Ming |
| 2023-09-22 | Crime gang used containers to smuggle stolen cars to West Africa |
| 2023-09-22 | Calano a doppia cifra i noli container tra Cina ed Europa |
| 2023-09-22 | Hapag-Lloyd to roll out Starlink across entire fleet |
| 2023-09-20 | CMA CGM and Maersk enter into decarbonisation partnership |
| 2023-09-20 | CMA CGM implements new peak season surcharge in Carribean |
| 2023-09-20 | European Union (EU) Emissions Trading System (ETS) effective from 1 January 2024 |
| 2023-09-20 | Maritime industry explores nuclear power for ships as technology opens up |
| 2023-09-19 | Sprofondano ancora i noli container: sotto i 1.700 dollari quelli Cina – Italia |
| 2023-09-19 | L’eurofollia green sull’Ets: una minaccia per i porti italiani L’Europa impone una nuova tassa al trasporto marittimo: e a farne le spese sarà il porto di Gioia Tauro |
| 2023-09-19 | La tassa europea sulle emissioni delle navi rischia di far chiudere il porto di Gioia Tauro |
| 2023-09-19 | Europe's new green madness: Reducing emissions from the shipping sector |
| 2023-09-18 | MABUX global prices continue to grow |
| 2023-09-18 | Drewry: World Container Index Down 7.1% This Week |
| 2023-09-18 | Maersk launches new weekly ocean-rail service |
| 2023-09-18 | Italia al quinto posto mondiale per livello di connessioni marittime container |
| 2023-09-18 | Noli marittimi dei container giù del 7% a metà settembre 2023 |
| 2023-09-15 | Container lines add blank sailings to match supply with lower demand in Golden Week |
| 2023-09-15 | Back haul rates to China hit negative territory |
| 2023-09-15 | Amazon, Patagonia, Ikea & Co. lanciano un tender per il trasporto via mare a zero emissioni di 600mila Teu |
| 2023-09-15 | Si annuncia un ottobre nero per l’aumento delle ‘partenze in bianco’ sulle rotte container |
| 2023-09-15 | Carriers struggle as they pull capacity to boost floundering spot rates |
| 2023-09-14 | Maersk launches 'a new age' with the first green methanol ship |
| 2023-09-14 | Record blanking as supply races ahead of demand in container shipping |
| 2023-09-12 | More blanked sailings expected in October |
| 2023-09-12 | Global MABUX fuel indices follow upward trend |
| 2023-09-11 | Nuova rotta container tra l’Adriatico e il Medio Oriente |
| 2023-09-11 | Combative MSC says shippers must look forward |
| 2023-09-11 | Drewry: World Container Index Down 3.4% This Week |
| 2023-09-11 | Global container freight still stalled |
| 2023-09-08 | MSC and ZIM sign new operational collaboration agreement |
| 2023-09-08 | CMA CGM updates global FAK rates |
| 2023-09-07 | As deepsea rates dive, carriers hunt for intra-Europe shortsea returns |
| 2023-09-07 | CMA CGM halts Mediterranean service as rates sink |
| 2023-09-07 | MSC applies new FAK rates from UAE to Europe |
| 2023-09-07 | No bottom in sight for free-falling trans-Atlantic rates |
| 2023-09-07 | CMA CGM implements congestion surcharges in Benin and Senegal |
| 2023-09-05 | Changing fortunes appear imminent in container market - Xeneta |
| 2023-09-05 | Noli container in discesa anche alla fine di agosto |
| 2023-09-05 | Bleak outlook for box trades as demand weakens prior to Golden Week |
| 2023-09-05 | Ancora in calo ad agosto i livelli dei contratti di trasporto container (-7,8%) |
| 2023-09-05 | Msc battezza a Trieste la portacontainer Nicola Mastro |
| 2023-09-01 | Xeneta: Long-term ocean freight rates plunge by more than 60% in year of decline, but changing fortunes appear imminent |
| 2023-09-01 | Boom time 'just a memory' as rates tumble before Golden Week holiday |
| 2023-08-31 | Sea-Intelligence analysis: Shortage of blanks in Golden week |
| 2023-08-31 | CMA CGM applies new PCS in Mersin |
| 2023-08-31 | COSCO SHIPPING launches “Talent Athena” door-to-door service from China to Greece and neighbouring countries |
| 2023-08-31 | Xeneta: Long-Term Ocean Freight Rates Plunge |
| 2023-08-30 | Sea-Intelligence reports schedule reliability stable at 64.2% |
| 2023-08-30 | La collaborazione tra MSC e ZIM si estende anche al Mediterraneo |
| 2023-08-30 | Hapag-Lloyd excluded from second round of HMM bid process |
| 2023-08-30 | MSC continues to surpass Maersk amid schedule reliability stability |
| 2023-08-29 | Peak Season is not expected to increase shipment volumes this year |
| 2023-08-28 | Asia-North Europe rates sinking again as GRIs 'run out of steam' |
| 2023-08-28 | CMA CGM applies new FAK rates from Med to US East Coast & US Gulf |
| 2023-08-28 | Xeneta: noli container al minimo, un’occasione per i caricatori |
| 2023-08-25 | CMA CGM announces fumigation requirements to Australia and New Zealand |
| 2023-08-25 | Latest data is ‘a wake-up call’ for shippers, as Xeneta argues now is the time to negotiate long-term rates |
| 2023-08-25 | CMA CGM implements congestion surcharges in Turkish port |
| 2023-08-25 | In arrivo le prime due navi ‘full container’ per il gruppo Messina |
| 2023-08-25 | La chiusura dello Stretto dei Dardanelli blocca centinaia di navi |
| 2023-08-25 | Q2 2023 Carrier Gross Earnings Down by 90% to US$3.2 Billion |
| 2023-08-24 | Dardanelles shipping suspended as Turkey battles wildfire |
| 2023-08-24 | ZIM si ritira dall’Australia |
| 2023-08-24 | Medkon Lines ‘avvicina’ Taranto alla Turchia |
| 2023-08-24 | Xeneta: Ocean Freight Rates May Have Started Bottoming Out |
| 2023-08-24 | Spot rate gains puts pressure on shippers delaying Asia-Europe contracts: Xeneta |
| 2023-08-23 | Drewry: “Meglio attendere ancora per il rinnovo dei contratti container” |
| 2023-08-23 | Oltre 200 navi in coda per attraversare Panama |
| 2023-08-22 | CMA CGM adds Rio de Janeiro direct call on service from Mediterranean |
| 2023-08-22 | Xeneta tips rates falls to continue |
| 2023-08-22 | I blank sailing nelle linee container sono destinati a proseguire |
| 2023-08-22 | China’s export container shipping price index down in July |
| 2023-08-22 | Evergreen opens Kaohsiung Port’s first automated container terminal |
| 2023-08-22 | More blanked voyages and a 'newbuild elephant' approaching the room |
| 2023-08-22 | Hapag-Lloyd emerges as potential HMM bidder |
| 2023-08-22 | Container Market Sentiment Signals Rebound: A ‘Shipper’s Market’ this Peak Season |
| 2023-08-22 | Aumentano ad agosto i noli container Asia-Europa |
| 2023-08-22 | ONE supera Evergreen, ecco la classifica aggiornata del trasporto container |
| 2023-07-25 | From ChatGPT to machine-generated art, AI is everywhere. How can it optimise the maritime industry? |
| 2023-07-25 | Nuclear box ships – faster and cleaner – would disrupt liner industry |
| 2023-07-25 | ONE unveils new loop connecting Adriatic, Israel, Egypt and Greece |
| 2023-07-24 | Kalypso rinnova la flotta in Cina e testa un nuovo porto in Italia |
| 2023-07-24 | Container volumes down 8% at Port of Rotterdam as Russia and Asia cargo falls |
| 2023-07-24 | COSCO Shipping connects Europe and South America with new weekly service |
| 2023-07-21 | CMA CGM could displace Maersk as second-largest container line |
| 2023-07-21 | State of the Ocean Freight Market | Is the peak season glass half full or half empty? |
| 2023-07-21 | Good news, and bad news, on the freight rate front for carriers |
| 2023-07-18 | Ocean Freight Rates for Q2, 2023 end on a multi-year low |
| 2023-07-18 | Carriers doing more for less, as lower freight rates take their toll |
| 2023-07-18 | Evergreen prepara il sorpasso su Hapag-Lloyd |
| 2023-07-18 | ONE launches weekly service to connect Europe and South America |
| 2023-07-18 | Maersk increases rates from Far East to Med ports |
| 2023-07-18 | Hapag-Lloyd to apply congestion surcharge at port of Mersin |
| 2023-07-18 | Nuovo servizio container intra-Med per One con i porti di Venezia, Trieste e Ancona |
| 2023-07-18 | MSC Welcomes the World's Largest Container Ship |
| 2023-07-14 | Ancora in discesa (-3%) i noli container Cina – Italia |
| 2023-07-14 | Evergreen prepara il sorpasso su Hapag-Lloyd |
| 2023-07-14 | XENETA: Does the market prepare itself for peak season that never comes? |
| 2023-07-13 | Piracy attacks on the rise |
| 2023-07-13 | Hapag-Lloyd increases rates from Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh to North and South Europe |
| 2023-07-13 | Evergreen Marine chairman Chang: No thrid-quarter peak this year |
| 2023-07-11 | CMA CGM revises congestion surcharge in Algerian ports |
| 2023-07-11 | FBX Index July 2023: Peak or no peak? |
| 2023-07-11 | Nuova discesa dei noli container Cina – Italia: ora sotto i 2.000 $ |
| 2023-07-11 | CMA CGM increases FAK rates from India and Pakistan to North Europe and Med |
| 2023-07-11 | “Opaque” peak season for container shipping |
| 2023-07-11 | Monthly Ocean Freight Market Pulse Week 26 ’23 | What does import volume show in different regions? |
| 2023-07-11 | Use of 'smart' containers speeds up as more ocean carriers get onboard |
| 2023-07-11 | Ocean Freight Market update (by DHL) |
| 2023-07-07 | CMA CGM sets increased FAK rates from Asia to North Africa and Med |
| 2023-07-07 | Growing capacity combined with “invisible” peak season weakens container market |
| 2023-07-07 | Rising capacity concerns amid peak season |
| 2023-07-07 | OOCL suffers 62 per cent revenue drop in Q2 2023 |
| 2023-07-07 | Carriers run out of niche trades as pressure grows and freight rates tumble |
| 2023-07-05 | Maersk, CMA CGM increase FAK rates from Asia |
| 2023-07-04 | Container newbuild avalanche sets new records |
| 2023-07-03 | Xeneta analysis reveals 50 per cent drop in container rates in 2023 |
| 2023-07-03 | Liner Sector Takes Another Major Hit in June |
| 2023-07-03 | Global container shipping outlook: pressure mounts amid flood of new capacity |
| 2023-07-03 | Asian waters see 35% rise in ship robbery during first six months of 2023 |
| 2023-07-03 | Maersk increases rates from Far East to North Europe |
| 2023-07-03 | CMA CGM implements new surcharge due to Cape Town port congestion |
| 2023-06-30 | Container: ancora in netto calo a giugno (-9,4%) i livelli dei noli contract |
| 2023-06-30 | Xeneta: Long-Term Ocean Freight Rates Fall Again, With Almost 50% Drop In Key Pricing Benchmark Across Last Three Months |
| 2023-06-30 | THE Alliance set to raise capacity on Asia-North Europe service |
| 2023-06-30 | Focus on blank sailings: Sea-Intelligence sees post-pandemic low levels |
| 2023-06-30 | CMA CGM updates service connecting Med ports with Turkiye |
| 2023-06-29 | Container shipping is now “maxed out” claims leading shipping analyst |
| 2023-06-29 | Peak season rally ‘unsure’ as ex-Asia spot rates fall |
| 2023-06-29 | New milestone for MSC as it readies to surpass Maersk for owned box tonnage |
| 2023-06-27 | HMM goes it alone on Asia-Med – 'clearly the strongest trade' |
| 2023-06-26 | A tale of two trades: Xeneta data reveals differing fortunes for Northern Europe and Mediterranean rates from the Far East |
| 2023-06-26 | Prende il largo una nuova linea di Grimaldi fra Europa, Australia e Nuova Zelanda |
| 2023-06-22 | Weekly Container Rate Update Week 25'23 | Premium choice: it pays to understand rates developments on the two main European corridors |
| 2023-06-22 | Corridoi marittimi container dall’Asia verso Med e Nord Europa: a confronto noli e affidabilità |
| 2023-06-20 | When not all freight rates have “normalised” |
| 2023-06-19 | Sempre più giù i noli per il trasporto via mare di container (-5%) |
| 2023-06-19 | L’esposizione sul mercato dei noli spot affossa i risultati delle compagnie container |
| 2023-06-19 | Drewry survey: Buyers of spot rates expect increases in July |
| 2023-06-19 | Xeneta: High flyer comes crashing down, as Indian Subcontinent to US East Coast trade stumbles into ‘peak’ season |
| 2023-06-19 | In arrivo a Genova un nuovo servizio container di Hmm dall’Asia |
| 2023-06-19 | Asia-US container rates pull back; USWC ports, dockworkers agree to new deal |
| 2023-06-19 | A Msc quasi un terzo del traffico container da e per l’Italia nel 2022 (32,5%) |
| 2023-06-14 | Primo viaggio a metanolo per una nuova portacontainer di Maersk |
| 2023-06-12 | Akkon Lines ha accorpato la linea container che scala in Italia |
| 2023-06-12 | Asia-US container rates surge; US West Coast labour dispute intensifies |
| 2023-06-12 | $5.2 billion in cargo stuck off West Coast ports in truck and container bottleneck |
| 2023-06-12 | La ro-ro Galata Seaways sequestrata al largo di Napoli |
| 2023-06-12 | ONE accoglie la prima portacontainer da oltre 24.000 TEUs della sua flotta |
| 2023-06-12 | MSC seeks 8,000 teu newbuild series |
| 2023-06-12 | Late peak season on the cards? Some carriers not giving up hope |
| 2023-06-09 | Msc ha trasferito capacità di stiva dal trade transpacifico verso Asia, Europa e Africa |
| 2023-06-09 | Incendio sulla portacontainer Msc Rita al porto di Khalifa |
| 2023-06-09 | North Europe rates still falling, while the transpacific spikes |
| 2023-06-07 | Container shipping freight rates are too low, says Hapag Lloyd CEO |
| 2023-06-07 | Cma Cgm crea una divisione per trasporti ro-ro |
| 2023-06-06 | Container freight rates: 'collapse' is the word, says Xeneta |
| 2023-06-06 | Si aggrava la crisi dei container alla Spezia |
| 2023-06-06 | Hapag-Lloyd CEO bullish on prospects for a peak season |
| 2023-06-01 | Xeneta: Long-Term Ocean Freight Rates Collapse By Almost 30% In A Month As New US Contracts Reflect Market Reality |
| 2023-06-01 | Box contract rates plunge |
| 2023-05-30 | Containerships moving at all-time low speeds |
| 2023-05-30 | Kalypso joins exodus from transatlantic lane as profits sink |
| 2023-05-30 | ONE joins GSBN blockchain platform |
| 2023-05-29 | Drewry: World Container Index Down 2% This Week |
| 2023-05-23 | Container shipping under pressure as peak season hopes dim |
| 2023-05-23 | Shippers hold back on contracts amid uncertainty and ample capacity |
| 2023-05-22 | ChatGPT to Disrupt Maritime IT/OT Security |
| 2023-05-22 | When two tribes go to war |
| 2023-05-22 | Ageing inventories defeat shipping lines' GRI plans |
| 2023-05-22 | Over 15,000 ships could be recycled by 2023, up more than 100% on the last 10 years |
| 2023-05-22 | Global Container Ports Continue To Recover From Pandemic-era Disruptions, Yet More Scope for Efficiency Gains Remain |
| 2023-05-17 | L’Intelligenza artificiale ‘irrompe’ nel mondo dei trasporti |
| 2023-05-17 | Portacontainer fluviale elettrica di Cosco |
| 2023-05-17 | MSC becomes first carrier to have a 5m slot fleet |
| 2023-05-16 | Cyclone disrupts sea and airport operations in Bangladesh, Myanmar |
| 2023-05-16 | More liner newcomers quit long-haul box lanes as rates tumble |
| 2023-05-16 | Torna con una toccata anche ad Ancona il servizio Tmx 3 di Cma Cgm |
| 2023-05-16 | 2M Alliance injects additional vessels into Asia – Europe services |
| 2023-05-16 | Cyclone Mocha forces 60-hour operation closure at Chittagong port |
| 2023-05-08 | Carriers struggle to hold transpacific GRIs as rates come under pressure |
| 2023-05-08 | Egyptian ferry operator enters container segment with newbuilding pair |
| 2023-05-08 | Downward trend for bunker indices continues |
| 2023-05-08 | Ignazio Messina: “Vi spiego perchè vendiamo ro-ro e compriamo full container. Da Msc non ci separiamo” |
| 2023-05-08 | MSC unveils new service to connect key ports in China and India |
| 2023-05-08 | Sospesa da Kalypso Compagnia di Navigazione la linea container Italia – Usa |
| 2023-05-03 | Cala anche a marzo il cargo aereo italiano |
| 2023-05-03 | Alliances’ capacity stands at just 39% |
| 2023-05-03 | Global Freight Monitor: Container freight rates hit a speed bump |
| 2023-05-02 | Non dura la ripresa dei noli container: -2% per la tratta Shanghai-Genova |
| 2023-05-02 | Ignazio Messina & C. vende una nave con-ro e acquista due portacontainer |
| 2023-05-02 | Soft demand pushes ocean spot rates to 'their lowest sustainable level' |
| 2023-05-02 | CMA CGM announces extra risk coverage surcharge in Sudan |
| 2023-05-02 | Xeneta: Long-Term Ocean Freight Rates Slump Over 10% In April |
| 2023-05-02 | Forte calo dei livelli dei contratti trasporto container (-10,6%) ad aprile |
| 2023-05-02 | Container shipping warning: Green shoots are ‘transitory illusion’ |
| 2023-05-02 | Evergreen lines up multi-billion dollar boxship orders |
| 2023-04-27 | Weakening market conditions sees a return to pre-pandemic cargo exchange levels |
| 2023-04-27 | Lufthansa ottiene rinvio sulla trattativa per Ita Airways |
| 2023-04-26 | As its fleet grows, MSC maps out its post-2M standalone network |
| 2023-04-26 | Global Orderbook on the Rise After First Quarter |
| 2023-04-26 | Freight movements halted as conflict in Sudan kills hundreds |
| 2023-04-18 | Torna a Genova il Dragon di Msc con portacontainer da 11.300 teu |
| 2023-04-18 | Nascerà una rotta ro-ro tra Damietta e Trieste |
| 2023-04-12 | Maxi ordine da 3 miliardi $ di Cma Cgm in Cina per 16 maxi portacontainer |
| 2023-04-12 | OOCL's Q1 numbers show storm clouds gathering over box shipping |
| 2023-04-06 | Ocean carriers increase schedule reliability, Maersk ahead of competitors |
| 2023-04-06 | Hapag-Lloyd to launch new service in Latin America |
| 2023-04-06 | Prosegue il calo del trasporto aereo globale |
| 2023-04-04 | War in Yemen and risks to shipping |
| 2023-04-04 | Hapag-Lloyd introduces new West Africa service |
| 2023-04-04 | Record cuts in container shipping costs in 2023 and what this means for shippers |
| 2023-04-04 | China’s weekly export container shipping index down |
| 2023-04-04 | Air France-KLM and CMA CGM officially launch their long-term strategic air cargo partnership |
| 2023-04-04 | I traghetti Cosco utilizzati dall’esercito cinese per invadere Taiwan? |
| 2023-04-04 | Livelli dei contratti container 2023 in calo di oltre il 55% sull’anno precedente |
| 2023-03-30 | World Shipping Council defends vessel-sharing arrangements |
| 2023-03-30 | Trans-Atlantic container rates still double pre-COVID levels |
| 2023-03-30 | Container shipping asked to clean up its act in view of upcoming scrapping wave |
| 2023-03-29 | Yang Ming says shippers taking time to commit to contracts as rates fall |
| 2023-03-29 | Hapag-Lloyd revises West Africa network |
| 2023-03-29 | Chinese shipbuilder delivers second MSC mega container ship |
| 2023-03-29 | Molte navi da 24.000 Teu in consegna ma cresce rapidamente la flotta di portacontainer in disarmo |
| 2023-03-28 | Bearish container shipping demand hits container prices and leasing rates across Europe |
| 2023-03-28 | Container: ora le criticità derivano dal surplus di vuoti (ma non a Genova) |
| 2023-03-28 | Container freight rates expected to stay low as demand could remain subdued until Q3 |
| 2023-03-24 | Nuova generazione di navi feeder Maersk a metanolo |
| 2023-03-24 | Boxship hits pier in Taiwan’s port with drunk pilot on board |
| 2023-03-24 | Samskip va incontro al futuro: arrivano le portacontainer a zero emissioni |
| 2023-03-22 | Maersk Air Cargo unveils Denmark-to-China freighter service |
| 2023-03-22 | MSC enhaces KIWI service connecting Australia, New Zealand and Thailand |
| 2023-03-22 | Maersk unveils the design of its first green fuel powered vessel |
| 2023-03-22 | Maersk launches Europe-China air freight service https://www.stattimes.com/air-cargo/maersk-launches-europe-china-air-freight-service-1348207 |
| 2023-03-21 | Container prices in Asia take a hit in March 2023 on low demand, higher inventory – report |
| 2023-03-21 | Torgmoll operates new direct container service from China to Russia |
| 2023-03-21 | Kalypso noleggia un feeder tedesco di nuova costruzione e fa diventare ‘close’ il Far East |
| 2023-03-21 | Global merchant fleet ageing rapidly |
| 2023-03-21 | Global tonnages flatten as average rates further soften |
| 2023-03-16 | ONE orders 10 more boxships |
| 2023-03-16 | 24,346 teu: MSC sets new boxship record |
| 2023-03-16 | Shipping lines refusing to cut capacity in price war |
| 2023-03-16 | Shippers put more pressure on ocean carriers for carbon-free services |
| 2023-03-16 | In mare la prima grande portacontainer del 2023 |
| 2023-03-16 | La compagnia turca Medkon Lines scalerà al porto di Taranto |
| 2023-03-14 | Carriers should revamp networks rather than blank services as demand drains |
| 2023-03-14 | Il Canale di Suez celebra un nuovo record: 107 navi in un giorno |
| 2023-03-14 | Rtc (Gruppo Msc) ferma una nave di Rif Line a Spezia ma quest’ultima giudica l’azione ‘illegittima’ |
| 2023-03-14 | More bad news for carriers hoping rates decline has bottomed-out |
| 2023-03-13 | MSC receives largest container ship in the world |
| 2023-03-13 | Hapag-Lloyd has installed monitoring devices in 100,000 reefers |
| 2023-03-13 | Maersk reintroduces direct bookings to Ukraine |
| 2023-03-13 | Ocean carriers will use multiple tools to cut slot supply as huge new orderbook threatens overcapacity, says former chairman of Evergreen and Yang Ming |
| 2023-03-10 | FBX Index Fell 12% During February, Lowest Since August 2020 |
| 2023-03-10 | COSCO proceeds with blockchain-based eBL |
| 2023-03-10 | Nuova caduta dei noli container Cina – Italia (-8%) |
| 2023-03-09 | Container shipping market yet to bottom as spot rates keep slipping |
| 2023-02-21 | Lidl’s box line launches new service from Bangladesh to Europe |
| 2023-02-21 | MSC announces rate increase from India and Pakistan to European major ports |
| 2023-02-21 | Cma Cgm condannata per suicidio del comandante Deruy |
| 2023-02-13 | Two boxships badly damaged in southern Vietnam |
| 2023-02-13 | Chatbot technology and shipping |
| 2023-02-13 | Global liners enter familiar price war territory |
| 2023-02-13 | MSC reintroduces Asia to Mediterranean service |
| 2023-02-13 | Shanghai Composite Index falls into triple digits |
| 2023-02-07 | Earthquake rattles Turkish ports |
| 2023-02-07 | Terremoto ferma il porto turco di Iskenderun |
| 2023-02-07 | Global carrier pessimisti e quotazioni spot per piccoli spedizionieri da 1.000 dollari a container |
| 2023-02-07 | Overcapacity could spark new rates war among liners, warns Evergreen chief |
| 2023-02-07 | Stabili tra i 2.500 e 3.000 dollari i noli container Shanghai – Genova |
| 2023-02-07 | Container Data points to expectations of demand revival as China reopens and rates stabilize |
| 2023-02-02 | Thousands of ships set to be hit by India’s age restrictions |
| 2023-02-02 | Liners now in the red on a mark-to-market basis |
| 2023-02-02 | ZIM announces new service linking South-East Asia with Australia |
| 2023-02-02 | Prevista burrasca per compagnie marittime del container |
| 2023-02-01 | New liner company readies to launch from Florida |
| 2023-02-01 | In calo del 13,3% a gennaio le tariffe dei contratti di trasporto container |
| 2023-02-01 | Container: le previsioni a tinte fosche di Xeneta per il 2023 |
| 2023-02-01 | Xeneta: Record-Breaking Fall In Long-Term Rates For Ocean Freight, As Carriers Brace For Stormy 2023 |
| 2023-01-31 | Top 10: The largest container lines in terms of chartered carrying capacity |
| 2023-01-31 | Boxships crunched in Bangkok fairway |
| 2023-01-30 | Drewry’s World Container Index drops |
| 2023-01-30 | Maersk ammaina le bandiere di Hamburg Süd e SeaLand |
| 2023-01-30 | È arrivata al capolinea la storia ultracentenaria di Hamburg Süd |
| 2023-01-30 | Maersk to consolidate brands |
| 2023-01-26 | What next for Maersk, MSC and the other alliances? |
| 2023-01-26 | MSC, Evergreen head scrubber-fitted fleet ranking |
| 2023-01-26 | Maersk and MSC to terminate 2M alliance in 2025 |
| 2023-01-18 | More than 50 sailings from Asia to Europe blanked in first seven weeks |
| 2023-01-18 | Over 2,400kg of cocaine found on MSC boxship after Antwerp false bomb threat |
| 2023-01-18 | Global Ports reports severe container decline in 2022 |
| 2023-01-18 | FBX Index January: New Year – New Challenges |
| 2023-01-17 | Chinese New Year fails to bring joy for carriers, as blank sailings soar |
| 2023-01-17 | Nel 2022 il traffico container nei porti italiani nuovamente intorno a quota 11 milioni di Teu |
| 2023-01-17 | Retromarcia dei noli container Cina – Italia (-4%) |
| 2023-01-17 | Secondhand containership prices in free fall |
| 2023-01-17 | World’s largest cargo ships in 2023 |
| 2023-01-12 | Hapag-Lloyd proceeds with new container transshipment hub in Egypt |
| 2023-01-12 | 2M Alliance revises Transatlantic network |
| 2023-01-12 | NYK trials satellite service operated by Musk’s SpaceX |
| 2023-01-12 | MSC completes Italian box terminal takeover |
| 2023-01-10 | Top 10 container lines: How did rankings change during boom? |
| 2023-01-10 | MSC’s new service to connect India with West Mediterranean |
| 2023-01-10 | Cargo ship sinks in strong winds in Taiwan, four crew members missing |
| 2023-01-10 | Shipping lines put growth ambitions on hold and look to defer newbuilds |
| 2023-01-10 | Container: Xeneta prevede un ulteriore crollo dei noli nel 2023 |
| 2023-01-10 | Rimbalzano i noli container all’inizio del 2023 |
| 2023-01-04 | ONE launches new service in Latin America |
| 2023-01-04 | ONE launches new service in Latin America |
| 2023-01-04 | Ad aprile Genova ospiterà la conferenza dell’International Bunker Industry Association |
| 2023-01-04 | CMA CGM sails into new space |
| 2022-12-19 | Da Drewry cinque punti da considerare per i contratti di trasporto container |
| 2022-12-19 | Atlantic spot rates about to collapse: Sea-Intelligence |
| 2022-12-19 | Ocean carriers plan to blank half their sailings from Asia, post-CNY |
| 2022-12-13 | Ampio disarmo in vista per le portacontainer dal 2023 |
| 2022-12-13 | Container market collapse sees first ships heading for scrap |
| 2022-12-13 | Spot rates out of Far East almost 2000 USD cheaper per FEU than long-term rates in dramatic turnaround |
| 2022-12-13 | MSC investe 1 miliardo per creare un terminal container nel porto di Valencia |
| 2022-12-13 | Global container volumes fall 9.3% y/y as historic growth cycle ends |
| 2022-12-06 | CMA CGM revises peak season surcharge from Europe to North America |
| 2022-12-06 | MSC announces new line connecting India with West Mediterranean |
| 2022-12-06 | Primo transito nel canale di Suez verso l’Europa per la portacontainer da record |
| 2022-12-05 | Noli container Cina-Europa scendono sotto i 2000 dollari |
| 2022-12-05 | Puntualità portacontainer ancora in aumento a ottobre (52%) |
| 2022-12-05 | Container shipping rates still sinking, no sign yet of market floor |
| 2022-12-05 | A hard landingamp; as Asia-North Europe freight rates collapse to $1,000 a box |
| 2022-12-02 | Sea-Intelligence reports increased sailing volatility |
| 2022-12-02 | Global bunker indices continue firm decline |
| 2022-12-02 | Finalmente in forte calo anche i contratti di trasporto container (-5,7%) |
| 2022-12-01 | Maersk Europe Market Update (November 2022) |
| 2022-12-01 | 2M split may be on the horizon as tonnage-rich MSC prepares to go it alone |
| 2022-12-01 | Xeneta: Sharp Decline For Long-Term Ocean Freight Rates Signals “An End To Record-Breaking Quarters” For Carriers |
| 2022-11-29 | Noleggiata da Kalypso Compagnia di Navigazione una portacontainer da 2.200 Teu |
| 2022-11-29 | Protests at China lockdowns spread, with supply chains looking vulnerable |
| 2022-11-25 | Ampio disarmo in vista per le portacontainer dal 2023 |
| 2022-11-25 | Tonnage providers’ fleet shrinks as market turns |
| 2022-11-25 | Drewry’s WCI retraces 90% of pre-pandemic gains as China-Europe spot prices tumble |
| 2022-11-24 | Maersk amp;test caseamp; could shift balance of power in container shipping |
| 2022-11-24 | CMA CGM revises peak season surcharge from Europe to US East Coast |
| 2022-11-21 | Discesa libera dei noli container marittimi |
| 2022-11-21 | SHIPPING Podcast: “Da gennaio il trasporto marittimo rallenterà. Quali conseguenze?” |
| 2022-11-21 | The global shipping industry is facing a new problem — too many containers |
| 2022-11-18 | Carriers amp;in panic modeamp; as recession bites, offering amp;crazyamp; ocean rates |
| 2022-11-18 | Xeneta: North Europe to Far East spot rates now below pre-pandemic levels, as backhaul follows fronthaul fall |
| 2022-11-17 | Global pool of shipping containers to decline for the first time in 14 years |
| 2022-11-17 | Shippers face a amp;stick or twistamp; contract choice as economies flounder |
| 2022-11-17 | Low ocean shipping rates here to stay as overcapacity looms |
| 2022-11-14 | Is it time for container spot rates to arrest their fall? |
| 2022-11-14 | Is it time for container spot rates to arrest their fall? |
| 2022-11-14 | Shipping rates are no longer plunging. Is ‘new normal’ near? |
| 2022-11-14 | Sea-Intelligence reports rapid ramp-up in Transpacific blank sailings |
| 2022-11-10 | Noli container Cina – Italia sprofondati di un altro -15% nell’ultima settimana |
| 2022-11-10 | The history of container shipping |
| 2022-11-10 | SeaLead, OOCL and TS Lines jointly launch East Africa – Asia service |
| 2022-11-10 | Xeneta and Marine Benchmark partner to launch Carbon Emissions Index (CEI) |
| 2022-11-08 | Is it time for container spot rates to arrest their fall? |
| 2022-11-08 | CMA CGM’s Containerships launches new intra-Europe line |
| 2022-11-08 | Flotta di container in riduzione nel 2023: non accadeva da 14 anni |
| 2022-11-04 | Nuove toccate in Adriatico per Kalypso |
| 2022-11-04 | Msc quantifica e rivela il rincaro sui noli atteso con le nuove norme sulle emissioni |
| 2022-11-04 | Containers: Continued downwards trend |
| 2022-11-02 | Container, scendono i noli e crescono le rottamazioniContainer, scendono i noli e crescono le rottamazioni |
| 2022-11-02 | Xeneta Container Rates Alert: Stubborn Long-Term Rates Refuse To Follow In Footsteps Of Huge Spot Declines, But Change Is Coming |
| 2022-11-02 | Decline in spot freight rates accelerates, reports Shifl |
| 2022-11-02 | Sea-Intelligence reports slight decline in container lines’ schedule reliability |
| 2022-10-26 | Here’s how container shipping lines can escape a crash in 2023 |
| 2022-10-26 | What’s Happening in the Container Market? |
| 2022-10-26 | Cyclone kills 35 in Bangladesh including nine crew members |
| 2022-10-24 | Cyclone leads to suspension of container operations at Bangladeshi ports |
| 2022-10-24 | Coefficiente di riempimento in calo sulle portacontainer in servizio tra Asia ed Europa |
| 2022-10-24 | CMA CGM introduces new US$500/TEU overweight surcharge |
| 2022-10-24 | Irregular fluctuations in global bunker market to continue |
| 2022-10-24 | Export markets amp;destabilisedamp; as carriers are forced to amp;undersellamp; capacity |
| 2022-10-21 | Le portacontainer tornano alla fonda |
| 2022-10-21 | Non solo blank sailing: contro il crollo dei noli tornano i disarmi delle portacontainer |
| 2022-10-21 | Noli container ancora giù (-3%), le compagnie mettono a riposo le navi |
| 2022-10-20 | Ocean carrier voyage blankings causing chaos and confusion for shippers |
| 2022-10-20 | Inactive boxship levels hit two-year high |
| 2022-10-20 | ReCAAP ISC reports significant rise in ship robberies in Asian waters |
| 2022-10-20 | New lockdowns in key Chinese transport hubs hobble supply chains again |
| 2022-10-19 | Shipping Confidence Drops From Historic Highs |
| 2022-10-17 | CMA CGM commences new AMERICAS XL service |
| 2022-10-17 | Sea-Intelligence sees high container capacity reductions |
| 2022-10-17 | I noli container toccheranno il fondo a metà 2023 secondo Hsbc |
| 2022-10-17 | Xeneta: The one-sided volatility in spot rates is currently evident on all trades |
| 2022-10-17 | Box rates slip further on indices for 33rd consecutive week |
| 2022-10-14 | Fire-struck boxship sinks in the Red Sea |
| 2022-10-14 | I blank sailing aumentano ma non salvano dal crollo i noli container |
| 2022-10-14 | Al via la nuova linea container di Kalypso da Italia e Spagna verso New York |
| 2022-10-14 | Shippers eye Index Linked Container Contracts to obtain better ocean freight rates value |
| 2022-10-14 | Upcoming renegotiations of Asia-Europe contract rates to signal freight rates trends, said HSBC |
| 2022-10-13 | Xeneta: Spot Container Shipping Market in Dire Straits |
| 2022-10-13 | Sea-Intelligence sees high container capacity reductions |
| 2022-10-10 | Xeneta Customers Say: 76% of Xeneta Customers Want to Procure Freight Using Index-Linked Container Contracts |
| 2022-10-10 | Shipping traffic halted following Crimea bridge attack |
| 2022-10-10 | Where’s the floor for container shipping? |
| 2022-10-10 | Rischio di carenza di portacontainer nel Mediterraneo |
| 2022-10-10 | Dramatic cuts to services as lines battle to hang onto amp;super-cycleamp; profits |
| 2022-10-10 | Spot rate carnage could result in more ships laid up, amp;with worse to comeamp; |
| 2022-10-07 | I noli container Cina – Italia sprofondano sotto i 5.000 dollari |
| 2022-10-07 | Spot rates collapse continues, as prices fall two thirds since May on main Far East to US West Coast corridor |
| 2022-10-07 | MABUX reports upward trend in bunker indices |
| 2022-10-07 | Dalla Cina all’Italia (via Turchia) una nuova linea container di Akkon |
| 2022-10-07 | Rising costs push up breakeven bar for shipping lines as demand slumps |
| 2022-10-07 | Mediterranean markets face ‘potential feeder containership shortage’ |
| 2022-10-06 | Sea-Intelligence reports 50% of congestion has been resolved |
| 2022-10-06 | Dramatic cuts to services as lines battle to hang onto amp;super-cycleamp; profits |
| 2022-10-05 | Spectre of structural overcapacity looms large over liners |
| 2022-10-05 | Arriva anche in Italia una nuova linea container di Akkon dall’Asia via Turchia |
| 2022-10-04 | Primi segnali di calo dei contratti di trasporto container (-1,1% a settembre) |
| 2022-10-04 | Maersk rallenterà le navi per contenere i costi di carburante |
| 2022-10-04 | Balzo in alto per la puntualità delle portacontainer (46,2%) ad agosto |
| 2022-10-04 | CMA CGM launches new early container return incentive programme |
| 2022-10-04 | GSBN, Hapag-Lloyd complete shipping data sharing pilot |
| 2022-10-04 | Contaminated fish seems to cause food poisoning tragedy on Cosco bulker |
| 2022-10-04 | Dopo l’inflazione sarà recessione? I segnali negativi arrivano dal mondo delle navi |
| 2022-10-04 | Il ‘boom’ dello shipping (di container) è finito secondo Bloomberg |
| 2022-09-30 | Slump in spot rates to continue |
| 2022-09-30 | Contratti di trasporto via mare di container: i 4 fattori da considerare per i rinnovi 2023 |
| 2022-09-29 | 2M Alliance suspends Sequoia/TP3 service due to US West Coast reduced demand |
| 2022-09-29 | Intra-Asia ocean freight rates on the slide, but still stronger than long-haul lanes |
| 2022-09-28 | Maersk remains the only investment-grade credit in the container shipping space |
| 2022-09-28 | Rincari sui noli reefer di Cma Cgm verso il West Africa anche dall’Italia |
| 2022-09-28 | Kalypso Compagnia di Navigazione mette la prua sugli Stati Uniti |
| 2022-09-27 | Shippers now have the edge when it comes to contract renewal, says Drewry |
| 2022-09-27 | Four priorities to consider for successful 2023 ocean bids |
| 2022-09-27 | World Container Index sinks to January 2021 levels, at 21-month low |
| 2022-09-26 | Congestion, a big piece of the supply and demand puzzle |
| 2022-09-26 | Demand, capacity and spot rates slump on key Far East to US West Coast corridor |
| 2022-09-26 | MSC adds port of Jeddah call to Himalaya Express service |
| 2022-09-26 | Another week of tumbling spot rates – here come the amp;carrot danglersamp; |
| 2022-09-26 | Peak season fails to materialise, blank sailings leap |
| 2022-09-22 | Nuovo crollo dei noli container Cina – Italia: -13% nell’ultima settimana |
| 2022-09-22 | Fall in container spot rates ‘much steeper,’ ‘less orderly’ than expected |
| 2022-09-22 | Yang Ming adds new 11,000 TEU container vessel |
| 2022-09-22 | Wan Hai says it may be open to reducing shipping contract rates, amp;short-termamp; |
| 2022-09-22 | Shipping: liners swimming in money but supply chains sinking |
| 2022-09-20 | Liverpool dockers begin two-week strike after rejecting amp;generousamp; pay offer |
| 2022-09-20 | Strikes in Felixstowe and Liverpool a double whammy to UK’s overstressed Supply Chain |
| 2022-09-19 | Suez Canal authority to raise transit fees by 15% in 2023 – chairman |
| 2022-09-19 | ‘Hard landing’ forecast for container freight rates |
| 2022-09-19 | Shanghai and Ningbo ports brace for typhoon Muifa |
| 2022-09-19 | Major container lines make history with US$41.6 billion earnings in 2022 Q2 |
| 2022-09-19 | Market report: “Container shipping market turns a corner … in lockstep?” |
| 2022-09-16 | Hapag-Lloyd rileva il 49% del Gruppo Spinelli |
| 2022-09-16 | Non si ferma il calo dei noli container: -7% per quelli Cina – Italia |
| 2022-09-16 | Container shipping market turns a corner … in lockstep? |
| 2022-09-16 | Tregua già finita, nel porto di Livorno riparte lo sciopero |
| 2022-09-14 | Nuova nave ro-ro in servizio tra Genova e la Libia |
| 2022-09-14 | Xeneta Raises $80 Million led by Apax Digital |
| 2022-09-13 | Supply chains show slow progress toward e-document transition |
| 2022-09-13 | Typhoon Muifa to shut China ports for second time in 10 days |
| 2022-09-13 | Container market has started on the path to “normalisation” |
| 2022-09-13 | Container vuoti: ora si rischia l’eccedenza nei porti Usa e in Europa |
| 2022-09-13 | Shipping rates plunge as experts say ‘unprecedented’ boom has peaked |
| 2022-09-12 | Turkish roro fired on by Greek coastguard |
| 2022-09-12 | 5 challenges facing global supply chains |
| 2022-09-12 | Genova conquista due nuove linee container: una di Cma Cgm e l’altra di Allseas Shipping |
| 2022-09-12 | Shipping lines and container owners in the US struggle to return empty containers to China |
| 2022-09-12 | CMA CGM starts new MEDGULF service to connect West Med with US Gulf and Mexico |
| 2022-09-09 | Xeneta questions ‘myths’ of heavily declining container volumes and bunker price unrest |
| 2022-09-09 | Ai blocchi di partenza una nuova linea container tra Italia ed Egitto |
| 2022-09-09 | In arrivo a Genova un nuovo servizio container dal Far East |
| 2022-09-08 | Container ship congestion in North Sea increases again: IfW Kiel |
| 2022-09-08 | Global economy slides into contraction, price pressures ease to 1½ year low |
| 2022-09-08 | MSC è il primo liner ad adottare il nuovo sistema di DNV contro la caduta dei container |
| 2022-09-08 | Kalypso (Rif Line) in trattativa per l’acquisto della sua prima nave |
| 2022-09-07 | Two-tier market emerging as ocean carriers win or lose on spot vs contracts |
| 2022-09-07 | China-Europe rail rates falling, but port congestion is propping up demand |
| 2022-09-07 | Il porto di Liverpool si ferma per due settimane |
| 2022-09-07 | South Korea halts ship refuelling at key ports as typhoon Hinnamor hits |
| 2022-09-06 | FBX Index: The pace of decline increases |
| 2022-09-06 | Carriers profiteering from container chaos in flood-wracked Pakistan |
| 2022-09-06 | Shandong Port Shipping enters international trades with Busan shuttle |
| 2022-09-06 | Massiveamp; typhoon disrupts ports and airports in Shanghai, Ningbo and Busan |
| 2022-09-05 | Container Freight Spot Market Continues To Sit Below Contracted Rates |
| 2022-09-05 | Spot rates comparison on major trade routes |
| 2022-09-05 | MSC raises box rates from Antwerp |
| 2022-09-05 | Chinese ports drilled into closed-loop mode amid new Covid outbreaks |
| 2022-09-05 | End of capacity crunch sees spot freight rates continue to tumble |
| 2022-09-02 | Lockdowns proliferate across China |
| 2022-09-02 | Oil tanker blocked Suez Canal for more than five hours |
| 2022-09-02 | Three dead in container explosion in Italy |
| 2022-09-01 | CONTAINER RATES ALERT: Long-term shipping rates stand strong, for now, in the face of softening global demand |
| 2022-09-01 | Tornano i blank sailing fra Asia ed Europa: i global carrier toglieranno oltre l’8% di capacità |
| 2022-09-01 | Solo due porti italiani nella ‘Top 100’ di Lloyd’s List |
| 2022-09-01 | Hapag-Lloyd guadagna troppo, lo dice il principale socio |
| 2022-08-31 | Carriers unveil blanking programmes to prop up rates as peak season sags |
| 2022-08-31 | Long-term box rates begin to follow the trend set by the spot market |
| 2022-08-31 | Energia nucleare, un potenziale per la propulsione marittima del futuro |
| 2022-08-31 | La telematica sale sui container Hapag-Lloyd |
| 2022-08-31 | CN analysis: Slowing exports send freight rates on major trades out of India further downwards |
| 2022-08-31 | Schedule reliability on an upward trend, Evergreen climbs to second place |
| 2022-08-30 | Covid lockdowns return to key Chinese port cities |
| 2022-08-30 | Maersk esce completamente dal mercato russo cedendo la partecipazione in Global Ports Investments |
| 2022-08-30 | Saade (Cma Cgm): “Nessun crollo ma un ‘atterraggio morbido’ per i noli container” |
| 2022-08-30 | Rhine water levels stabilise above crisis levels, problems not over |
| 2022-08-30 | Lidlamp;s ship-shopping pays off as it completes maiden China-Europe voyage |
| 2022-08-30 | Primo scalo in Adriatico per una portacontainer di Lidl |
| 2022-08-30 | MOL Signed for Six Large LNG-fueled Vessels- Steadily Progressing towards ’90 LNG-fueled Vessels by 2030? |
| 2022-08-26 | Prosegue il calo dei noli sul mercato container |
| 2022-08-26 | Si allarga il divario di stiva tra piccoli e grandi carrier del trasporto container |
| 2022-08-26 | La nuova shipping line di Lidl è arrivata in Sud e Nord Europa (saltando l’Italia) |
| 2022-08-24 | Italia 14esima al mondo per connessioni globali di linee container |
| 2022-08-24 | Containership 2050: When the box becomes the customer |
| 2022-08-24 | Congestione (e non carenza di capacità) la causa del livello elevato dei noli container |
| 2022-08-24 | Congestion and capacity shortage in Europe sees barge surcharges soar 150% |
| 2022-08-22 | Hapag-Lloyd announces Fleet Upgrade Program for over 150 ships within the next five years |
| 2022-08-22 | Rhine closes to barge traffic, with water depth set to hit record lows |
| 2022-08-22 | Average container prices and leasing rates decline in China amidst peak season shipping |
| 2022-08-22 | Container fleet growth up 11.6% from June 2019, catching up with transport demand |
| 2022-08-22 | Prosegue il calo dei noli Cina–Italia: quasi 200 $ in meno nell’ultima settimana |
| 2022-08-18 | Fleet gaps between largest and smallest liner operators at all-time high |
| 2022-08-18 | Nuovo forte calo del noli container dalla Cina all’Italia (-10%) |
| 2022-08-18 | Nasce armatore per container da 53 piedi |
| 2022-08-18 | Why container ships probably won’t get bigger |
| 2022-08-18 | Shipping container fees are falling around the world, but not in the U.S. |
| 2022-08-18 | Rhine closes to barge traffic, with water depth set to hit record lows |
| 2022-08-18 | More blank sailings on the cards as ocean spot rates continue to tumble |
| 2022-07-13 | China port congestion seen growing on back of local lockdowns and poor weather |
| 2022-07-13 | Orderbook di navi: le portacontainer surclassano tanker e bulker |
| 2022-07-13 | Tempo di rinegoziazione per i contratti di trasporto via mare di container? |
| 2022-07-08 | Carriers holding spot rates steady, but how sustainable are contracts? |
| 2022-07-08 | Box lines undercut forwardersamp; ocean rates in fear of soft market |
| 2022-07-07 | Downward pressure on rates: demand or supply driven? |
| 2022-07-07 | Per Msc un nuovo maxi-hub di transhipment in Vietnam da 15 milioni di Teu |
| 2022-07-07 | The next step in Hapag-Lloyd and DAL integration |
| 2022-07-07 | Cma Cgm taglia i noli marittimi per favorire gli importatori francesi |
| 2022-07-04 | “Schedule reliability remains between 30% and 40%,” reports Sea-intelligence |
| 2022-07-04 | Boxport congestion spreads across the globe again |
| 2022-07-04 | Consegnata la prima portacontainer al mondo da oltre 24.000 Teu |
| 2022-07-04 | Carriers return to aggressive voyage blanking to mitigate reduced demand |
| 2022-07-04 | Xeneta Customer Say: Over 50% Anticipate a Decrease in Volume Given Current Economic Predictions |
| 2022-07-04 | Kalypso avvia un nuovo collegamento intra-Med |
| 2022-07-01 | Container ships still renting for $160,000 a day despite import fears |
| 2022-07-01 | Xeneta: Long-term shipping rates shrug off uncertainty to rise again |
| 2022-07-01 | Aumenta la stiva container disponibile globalmente a maggio (+5,2%) |
| 2022-06-30 | Xeneta Shipping Index (XSI®) Contract Market: June 2022 |
| 2022-06-30 | Sorpresa container: noli spot sulle tratte est-ovest inferiori ai contratti di lungo termine |
| 2022-06-30 | UWL, Swire Shipping announce new service from Seattle to Vietnam |
| 2022-06-30 | Maersk launches new feeder service to reduce transit times from Asia to Northern Italy |
| 2022-06-29 | Box tracking popularity soars – but the big debate is, who owns the data? |
| 2022-06-29 | Lack of Competition in Container Shipping – A True Picture |
| 2022-06-28 | Shanghai container handling nearing pre-lockdown levels |
| 2022-06-28 | Trieste, ecco i nuovi treni di Cosco diretti in Slovenia e nellamp;Est Europa |
| 2022-06-28 | Ora l’82,5% della capacità container è in mano alle tre alleanze |
| 2022-06-28 | Smart container fleet to expand 8-fold over the next 5 years |
| 2022-06-28 | ONE implements weight discrepancy surcharge in Asia-Europe trade |
| 2022-06-22 | Shipper accuses Yang Ming and HMM of collusion and profiteering |
| 2022-06-21 | Hapag-Lloyd adds Le Havre port to WAX service rotation |
| 2022-06-20 | Chinese dominate new entries into the top 50 liner rankings |
| 2022-06-20 | Il porto di Shanghai è ‘guarito’ dalla congestione, secondo VesselsValue |
| 2022-06-20 | Xeneta Customers Say: Lifting of Shanghai Lockdowns Will increase Freight Rates |
| 2022-06-20 | Congestion at Shanghai remains normal, even as much of the city reimposes lockdown |
| 2022-06-20 | Container: firmata da Joe Biden la legge per ‘frenare’ i global carrier |
| 2022-06-17 | Biden signs the Ocean Shipping Reform Act into law |
| 2022-06-17 | Global port congestion, high shipping rates to last into 2023: Industry execs |
| 2022-06-14 | Alibaba compie un altro passo nel trasporto container |
| 2022-06-13 | Torna a salire dopo cinque mesi il prezzo dei container |
| 2022-06-13 | Maersk collegherà Vado Ligure e Port Said con un servizio shuttle |
| 2022-06-13 | Sono italiani i primi due armatori al mondo per capacità nel settore ro-ro |
| 2022-06-13 | Bankitalia: sale ancora l’incidenza dei trasporti su import (4,9%) ed export (3,1%) |
| 2022-06-10 | Wait-and-see as Shanghai back into lockdown |
| 2022-06-10 | President Biden disparages ocean carriers, calls price increases ‘outrageous’ |
| 2022-06-10 | The Alliance pronta a spostare 200mila Teu da La Spezia a Genova |
| 2022-06-10 | COSCO SHIPPING SPE. joins blockchain-powered platform GSBN |
| 2022-06-10 | Nuovo treno merci fra Melzo e la Cina |
| 2022-06-10 | Alibaba prende il controllo delle spedizioni marittime con noleggi e acquisti di navi |
| 2022-06-10 | Parts of Shanghai and Beijing go back under lockdown |
| 2022-06-10 | I dati sono la nuova amp;merceamp; per spingere lo shipping in una nuova era di ottimizzazione |
| 2022-06-10 | Shippers fear higher freight costs due to carbon tax |
| 2022-06-10 | Ritardi portacontainer causano danni fino a 10 miliardi di dollari |
| 2022-06-07 | Container shipping situation worsens due to congestion, delays, and empty containers |
| 2022-06-07 | Brent climbs over $120/bbl after Saudi Arabia raises crude prices |
| 2022-06-07 | MSC launches new service on intra-Asia trade |
| 2022-06-07 | Shanghai Port Congestion Update |
| 2022-06-07 | Shanghai port congestion nearly back to normal levels |
| 2022-06-06 | Maersk confirms closure of two Oceania services |
| 2022-06-06 | Global port congestion shows signs of improvement, still far from normal |
| 2022-06-01 | North European box ports at capacity even before peak season starts |
| 2022-06-01 | Contract rates soaring above spot, with shippers being amp;bled dryamp; |
| 2022-06-01 | CMA CGM to connect Turkey, Spain, France and Algeria with new service |
| 2022-06-01 | Changes in Hapag Lloyd’s Southeast India – Europe service |
| 2022-06-01 | Xeneta: Shipping Costs Soar As Long-Term Rates Race 150% Up Year-On-Year |
| 2022-06-01 | In estate peggiorerà il trasporto marittimo di container |
| 2022-05-27 | Xeneta: container shipping fuel surcharges have risen 50% since start of year on average – much more on some trades |
| 2022-05-27 | Sea-Intelligence: Will the peak season come sooner? |
| 2022-05-27 | Blocked Ukrainian ports cause major congestion in the port of Constanta |
| 2022-05-27 | What is driving ocean container freight pricing? |
| 2022-05-27 | Covid slows China port volume growth, as Tianjin enters new lockdown |
| 2022-05-27 | Per Ravenna e Venezia nuovo servizio container intra-Med di Msc |
| 2022-05-19 | Xeneta: Long term rates for reefer containers from the US West Coast to the Far East are at their highest ever level |
| 2022-05-19 | Container xChange survey: Peak season container shipping “chaos” on the way |
| 2022-05-18 | Container shipping rates: Still sky high but falling back to Earth |
| 2022-05-18 | Maersk avvia trasporto treno-mare dalla Cina |
| 2022-05-17 | Shanghai port shows recovery signs after latest pandemic lockdown |
| 2022-05-17 | Porti europei alle prese ancora con la carenza di container |
| 2022-05-17 | Has the peak of container shipping’s epic boom already passed? |
| 2022-05-17 | Busan to create a amp;smartamp; container to ship lithium batteries safely |
| 2022-05-13 | CMA CGM offers cash incentive for returning containers early |
| 2022-05-13 | Blank sailings proliferate |
| 2022-05-10 | Demand for container equipment is falling. Transitory or turning point? |
| 2022-05-10 | Carriers ramp up blank sailings as China lockdowns persist |
| 2022-05-04 | Maersk ceases all operations in Russia and Belarus |
| 2022-05-04 | Container freight rates to remain elevated in medium term: C.H. Robinson |
| 2022-05-04 | Navi portacontainer un pochino più puntuali nel mese di marzo (35,9%) |
| 2022-05-02 | Swire Shipping takes over US-based Westwood Shipping Lines |
| 2022-05-02 | Xeneta CEO, Berglund: “It’s a position of power the carriers have no desire of relinquishing” |
| 2022-05-02 | CMA CGM launches new service linking Asia with Indian Subcontinent |
| 2022-04-29 | Port congestion in mainland China continued to remain high with extended lockdown measures |
| 2022-04-29 | Xeneta Container Rates Alert: Demand, Disruption And Deft Carrier Strategies Fuel New Highs For Long-Term Ocean Freight Rates |
| 2022-04-29 | Zim avvia una nuova linea container fra l’Egitto e i porti di Venezia e Ravenna |
| 2022-04-29 | Noli container: la rotta nordeuropea è più economica di quella mediterranea |
| 2022-04-29 | Qinhuangdao port enters lockdown as Beijing readies stimulus package |
| 2022-04-28 | Container shipping: volume growth calms, tariffs remain strong |
| 2022-04-28 | Yang Ming receives another 11,000 TEU vessel |
| 2022-04-28 | Hapag-Lloyd to equip entire container fleet with real-time tracking devices |
| 2022-04-26 | Supply chains remain in chaos as Shanghai lockdown is extended indefinitely |
| 2022-04-26 | Carriers adopt amp;hardcoreamp; blank sailing strategy as export bookings plunge |
| 2022-04-26 | Port congestion grows as China’s capital braces for Shanghai syndrome |
| 2022-04-21 | Navi ferme al porto di Shanghai: rischio paralisi mondiale |
| 2022-04-20 | Msc alza i noli per le spedizioni dai porti liguri agli Stati Uniti |
| 2022-04-20 | Con il lockdown a Shanghai rischio di nuove criticità e risalita dei noli |
| 2022-04-20 | 1 in 5 container vessels globally is waiting outside a congested port -of which 27.7% in China |
| 2022-04-20 | India resumes shipments to Russia |
| 2022-04-14 | Lidl acquisisce quattro portacontainer |
| 2022-04-14 | ZIM to push up rates in North Europe |
| 2022-04-13 | Worst floods in half a century claim 60 lives and close Durban port |
| 2022-04-13 | Primo acquisto di portacontainer per Lidl: Tailwind compra la Talassa (5.527 Teu) |
| 2022-04-13 | Ningbo on “yellow alert” after new Covid-19 outbreak, Shanghai lockdown continues |
| 2022-04-13 | Hapag-Lloyd starts new service linking Mediterranean and Latin America |
| 2022-04-12 | MSC launches new service from China to Chittagong |
| 2022-04-12 | ZIM announces changes in cross Atlantic services |
| 2022-04-12 | Lines start to omit calls to Shanghai, the world’s largest container port |
| 2022-04-12 | Nuovi corridoi ferroviari dall’Asia alternativi alla Russia |
| 2022-04-07 | Shanghai port still working despite lockdown, but lines are eyeing diversions |
| 2022-04-07 | Anche Lidl diventa armatore |
| 2022-04-07 | I ritardi delle navi hanno ‘rubato’ l’11,7% di capacità container a febbraio |
| 2022-04-07 | Xeneta: Spot Rates From Far East to the South American East Coast have had the biggest fall in spot rates since the start of 2022 – down 35.1% |
| 2022-04-07 | 2M Alliance adjusts schedules in Far East – Europe/Med network |
| 2022-04-07 | La Marina sventa assalto di pirati a un cargo nel Golfo di Guinea |
| 2022-04-05 | ONE works with Google Cloud to develop artificial intelligence solutions |
| 2022-04-04 | Supply chains remain in chaos as Shanghai lockdown is extended indefinitely |
| 2022-03-31 | Liner pricing investigation under way in Africa |
| 2022-03-31 | Shanghai Port Group launches “land-to-water” container service |
| 2022-03-30 | Shanghai in lockdown: in attesa degli effetti la coda di navi in porto è già alta |
| 2022-03-29 | Sky-high box freight rates could increase global inflation by 1.5% this year: IMF |
| 2022-03-29 | Shipping Routes Are Being Redrawn, While Payments Could Soon Be Done in Non-Dollar Currencies |
| 2022-03-29 | Congestion fears as Shanghai enters two-phase lockdown |
| 2022-03-24 | Russia’s war against Ukraine reshapes the geopolitical and economic outlook |
| 2022-03-24 | COSCO continues trading with Russia unlike other major container lines |
| 2022-03-22 | Chinese port congestion worsens |
| 2022-03-22 | China is managing its Covid outbreak one new local crisis at a time |
| 2022-03-21 | “La congestione nel trasporto via mare di container durerà almeno per tutto il 2022” |
| 2022-03-21 | New Shenzhen lockdown will hit supply chains harder than Suez disruption |
| 2022-03-21 | Russia blocks ships carrying grain exports |
| 2022-03-17 | Understanding Ocean Freight - by Transporeon |
| 2022-03-17 | L’invasione russa in Ucraina e i riflessi sulla logistica italiana |
| 2022-03-17 | Xeneta: Container Freight Rates on the Far East to the Mediterranean have been flat since the start of this year |
| 2022-03-17 | NYK Group Companies Participate in Trial to Simulate the Actual Operation of Fully Autonomous Ship |
| 2022-03-17 | Logistics disruption and ship queues lengthen after new China lockdowns |
| 2022-03-15 | Transatlantic services hit by Covid and conflict-induced congestion |
| 2022-03-15 | MSC takes bunker surcharge action |
| 2022-03-15 | La Cina verso nuove chiusure per Covid |
| 2022-03-14 | “Eppur si muove!”: la (lenta) discesa dei noli container |
| 2022-03-14 | Ukraine War Effect on Shipping Rates | Xeneta in the News |
| 2022-03-11 | Bunker prices hit record high amid Russia’s invasion of Ukraine |
| 2022-03-11 | Hapag-Lloyd to acquire container liner business of another Africa specialist |
| 2022-03-11 | Xeneta: A narrower spread on China to Europe trade lane indicates amble deployed capacity |
| 2022-03-09 | Cargoes pile up across Europe on day 14 of the Russian invasion of Ukraine |
| 2022-03-09 | Lo spedizioniere può ritenere il carico per mancato pagamento |
| 2022-03-09 | Schedule reliability drops to record-low in January 2022 |
| 2022-03-09 | Logistics and supply chain updates from the situation in Ukraine |
| 2022-03-08 | Bunker prices enter four-digit territory for the first time |
| 2022-03-08 | War in Ukraine will hurt growth in all shipping segments |
| 2022-03-08 | CMA CGM reports US$56 billion revenue, achieving 78% increase |
| 2022-03-07 | Nuova linea container con l’Egitto e mese da record per Trieste |
| 2022-03-07 | Asian countries cut container trade with Russia amid Ukraine invasion |
| 2022-03-07 | Suez Canal tolls to rise on 1 March |
| 2022-03-04 | Sanctions start to wreak havoc on rates, dwell times and fuel prices |
| 2022-03-04 | Shipping’s Russian Nightmare is Becoming a Reality |
| 2022-03-04 | Noli container Cina – Italia in calo (-1%) ma sui trasporti Asia – Europa incombe l’ombra della guerra |
| 2022-03-04 | NATO warns on the risk of mines in the Black Sea |
| 2022-03-04 | Stop alle prenotazioni di spedizioni con la Russia anche per CMA CGM |
| 2022-03-01 | Sanzioni Eu e Usa contro la Russia: ecco le misure per i trasporti |
| 2022-03-01 | Missili ucraini contro due navi cargo russe |
| 2022-03-01 | Attività commerciale sospesa in tutti i porti ucraini |
| 2022-02-25 | Shipping navigates the fallout from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine |
| 2022-02-25 | Guerra Ucraina – Russia: le conseguenze sui trasporti via mare e sui porti |
| 2022-02-25 | Ukrainian ports halt operations after Russia’s invasion |
| 2022-02-25 | Ukraine invasion will impact China-Europe rail freight and push up rates |
| 2022-02-25 | Boxport congestion worsening rapidly |
| 2022-02-25 | Shipping braces for impact as Russia-Ukraine crisis intensifies |
| 2022-02-23 | Freight forwarders turn to SOCs to face global container shortage |
| 2022-02-22 | Maersk starts intermodal Far East – Europe service |
| 2022-02-22 | Putin’s invasion of Ukraine seen hiking tonne-mile picture for shipping |
| 2022-02-21 | Why war in Ukraine could be catastrophic for container shipping |
| 2022-02-21 | Empty container avalanche predicted to cause chaos later this year |
| 2022-02-18 | Hapag-Lloyd’s new service to directly connect South China with Germany |
| 2022-02-15 | Bunker prices near all-time highs |
| 2022-02-15 | Salpata un’altra linea container diretta Cina – Italia che scalerà il porto di Genova |
| 2022-02-15 | Hapag Lloyd sees freight pressure easing from Q2 |
| 2022-02-15 | MSC announces rate increases in Europe |
| 2022-02-14 | Black Sea exports plummet as talk of war escalates |
| 2022-02-14 | Drewry: World Container Index Remains 80% Higher Than a Year Ago |
| 2022-02-14 | Marine fuel prices show moderate growth |
| 2022-02-14 | Russia-Ukraine crisis: International shipping lanes under threat? |
| 2022-02-11 | E’ nato in Italia driveMybox: la borsa carichi online per l’autotrasporto container |
| 2022-02-10 | CMA CGM applies new surcharges from Europe to America |
| 2022-02-10 | Maersk expects supply chain chaos to continue in 2022 |
| 2022-02-10 | MSC imposes rate increases from Italy to America |
| 2022-02-10 | Maersk amp;cash-and-dashamp; strategy rolls on as it targets 70% contract business |
| 2022-02-09 | MABUX: Global bunker prices to continue firm downward trend on Feb.09 |
| 2022-02-09 | Giallo sulla Msc Adelaide: un morto e 444 chili di cocaina |
| 2022-02-08 | Covid-19 emergency in Kaohsiung Port as harbour pilot infected |
| 2022-02-08 | Global container carriers thrive despite signs of rate decline |
| 2022-02-07 | Supply chain chaos and port gridlock could drag on into 2023 |
| 2022-02-07 | MSC increases prices to Middle East and Far East |
| 2022-02-01 | What the Russia-Ukraine standoff means for global shipping |
| 2022-02-01 | Xeneta Container Rates Alert: Early Dip In Long-Term Ocean Freight Rates Fails To Tarnish Exceptional Year For Carriers |
| 2022-02-01 | Historic low in container ship schedule reliability |
| 2022-02-01 | Long-term rate increases losing momentum as carriers seek to lock-in BCOs |
| 2022-01-31 | Noli container Shanghai – Genova stabili ormai da due mesi |
| 2022-01-31 | Container shipping crunch sees late delivery of Chinese New Year goods |
| 2022-01-28 | Treno container tra Suzhou e Milano |
| 2022-01-28 | Dopo Rif Line salpa un’altra linea container diretta tra Far East e Nord Adriatico |
| 2022-01-28 | Fuel prices upward trend slows down |
| 2022-01-27 | Capacity shortage on intra-Asia pushing up rates and manufacturing costs |
| 2022-01-26 | How Russian invasion of Ukraine could impact ocean shipping |
| 2022-01-25 | Liner shipping profits tipped to hit $200bn this year |
| 2022-01-24 | Intra-Asian Spot Rates Contribute to Rising Manufacturing Costs in The Region |
| 2022-01-24 | Forwarders in the firing line |
| 2022-01-24 | Dalian the latest China port to be hit by Covid restrictions as delays persist |
| 2022-01-21 | Yantian restricts container entry to ease overflow |
| 2022-01-21 | Piccoli spedizionieri contro Maersk: “Usati come tappabuchi” |
| 2022-01-21 | Noli marittimi: attesi altri rialzi per via del caro-carburante navale |
| 2022-01-21 | CMA CGM sets Latin America and Caribbean surcharges |
| 2022-01-21 | MABUX reports firm rise in fuel prices |
| 2022-01-20 | Forwarders fear amp;shut-outamp; as other major lines emulate Maersk strategy |
| 2022-01-20 | Maersk vuole imporre lo spot per piccole spedizioni di container |
| 2022-01-20 | Sperimentata con successo in Giappone la prima nave a guida autonoma |
| 2022-01-20 | Maersk space ban means amp;a dark futureamp;, maybe the end, for small forwarders |
| 2022-01-20 | Cma Cgm introduce noli più alti sulle rotte verso il Sud America (anche dall’Italia) |
| 2022-01-18 | Una portacontainer viaggerà con le vele di Michelin |
| 2022-01-18 | Shipping container rates from China to US on rise again |
| 2022-01-18 | Dalian the latest China port to be hit by Covid restrictions as delays persist |
| 2022-01-17 | DHL Ocean freight market outlook 2022-2024 |
| 2022-01-17 | MF shipping amp; Logistica - La logistica resta in bilico |
| 2022-01-17 | Xeneta Weekly Rate Update: Week 02, 2022 |
| 2022-01-17 | Suez Canal expansion to be completed by July next year |
| 2022-01-17 | Omicron cases detected in Shenzhen and Beijing |
| 2022-01-17 | Container prices rise 10-15% in India as Omicron hits operations at major global ports |
| 2022-01-14 | Tianjin forced into greater lockdown as Covid-19 cases spread to Shanghai and Dalian |
| 2022-01-14 | Xeneta: Front- and Backhaul Spot Rates Continue To Diverge |
| 2022-01-13 | Container: nel 2021 i porti italiani sono arrivati a quota 11 milioni di Teu |
| 2022-01-13 | Maersk provides a snapshot of growing port congestion around the world |
| 2022-01-12 | Ikea alza del 9% il prezzo dei prodotti per fare fronte gli extra-costi logistici |
| 2022-01-12 | Crisi container: il caffè torna a viaggiare in sacchi su navi general cargo |
| 2022-01-12 | As Ningbo slowly recovers, Covid ripples reach ports of Tianjin and Shenzhen |
| 2022-01-11 | Maersk - Custom advisory letter about operational constraints |
| 2022-01-10 | Stick or twistamp; – do shippers play the spot market or go for fixed-rate contracts? |
| 2022-01-10 | Port of Ningbo open, but logistics services stutter as Covid restrictions bite |
| 2022-01-10 | Container shipping’s 2022 outlook: The bulls, bears and wild cards |
| 2022-01-10 | Omicron outbreak sees Tianjin enter partial lockdown |
| 2022-01-07 | New index highlights the extraordinary pressure global supply chains have been under during the pandemic |
| 2022-01-07 | Shenzhen on alert as more Covid-19 cases crop up |
| 2022-01-07 | MSC officially dethrones Maersk from the top of the container rankings |
| 2022-01-07 | Dal 10 gennaio nuove regole (e tariffe) a Psa Genova Pra’ per risolvere la congestione di container |
| 2022-01-07 | A lot of boxes: 24,004 teu Ever Alot breaks records |
| 0000-00-00 | Logistics and Supply Chain Updates during the crisis in the Ukraine |
| 0000-00-00 | Ukrainian port cities face the brunt of Putin’s invasion forces |
| 0000-00-00 | Cosco ordina portacontainer elettriche per feeder |
| 0000-00-00 | È nata una terza linea container diretta fra Cina ed Europa |
| 0000-00-00 | Nuovo record per i noli delle navi portacontainer |
| 0000-00-00 | “Spedizionieri destinati a estinguersi se si occupano solo di negoziare i noli” |
| 0000-00-00 | Spread between short- and long-term container shipping freight rates from North Europe to US East Coast narrow with both increasing around three-fold |